November 25th, 2007

[info]reijamira in [info]slashy_hotness

4 slashy b/w pics of gay couples

Today when I went through my picture folder I found 4 slashy pics I'd like to share. I don't know where I found these or whom to give credit to, because I just saved them to my folders ages ago when I was cruising the internet.

Guys cuddling under here. WARNINGS: erotic pics; naked flesh. :) )

[info]only_gremo in [info]slashy_hotness

Some Slashy Links

Instead of some pics I want to share with you some wonderful links.

Maybe you know the first one already. I guess a lot slash fans do so. Here it is:

Minotaur's Sex Tips For Slash Writers - (I have to warn everyone under the age of 18, there are some explicit pictures and the content may be not appropiate for minors; follow this link on your own responsibility)

The second link is to "Queer Arts Resource", a site, which wants to "expand the range and depth of knowledge about contemporary and historical queer art, and make this information freely available.

Queer Arts Resource -

The third link is something for anime and yaoi fans:

The Yaoi Collection -
(There is a pretty interesting fanart gallery, but I guess you have to register as a member to surf the site.)