July 8th, 2008

[info]sdk in [info]shellyness

Life on Mars and Doctor Who

Mainly Life on Mars today (featuring one of my favorite scenes of the whole series) and the three Doctor Who icons submitted to last week's challenge at [info]dwicontest.


1-3: Doctor Who
4-28: Life on Mars

one 'bad' word on one icon )

And #3 won first place this week, and I got this gorgeous banner!
award )

xx comments and credit are lovely if you're so inclined
xx please no hotlinking
xx Doctor Who images were provided by [info]dwicontest; Life on Mars images were capped by me
xx other resources can be found in the user info

And yeah, I know #10, 11, and 13 is kind of the wrong era, and very American, but I couldn't stop thinking of those commercials when I was capping this scene. Anyone else remember those?