Schloss Eberbach

July 30th, 2008

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Schloss Eberbach


July 30th, 2008

Where In The World . . . ?

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By: Margaret Price

Posted: February 4, 2007

Notes: I got a copy of the Plus Ultra book... *pause to squee* and this picture is in it. It is also my desktop wallpaper. I have always wondered where Klaus is standing. After some discussions on moonedit, the use of a magnifying glass, and an internet search, I am 99% sure it is Amsterdam and, appropriately, that is the Church of St. Nickolas in the background. One picture pointed out how the windows in the central dome are now bricked over. The ones in the picture also seem to be bricked over. OMG!

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El Halcon translations

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By: caithion

Posted: August 19, 2007

Notes: I waited very nicely an entire week! XD

Okay, not much news. They've posted the cast list, but as that's basically just all of Star Troupe there are no surprises there. No more role information or DVD release information yet.

I've done a few other rough translations (a bit of an Aran Kei interview and the two El Halcon theme songs) and posted them in my Takarazuka journal here. Completely melodramatic and cheesy, and I'm looking forward to the show even more. Enjoy!
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