Schloss Eberbach

March 29th, 2008

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Schloss Eberbach


March 29th, 2008

Dear Major,

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By: mattisune

Posted: March 29, 2008

Notes: Random fact;
That lovely nursery rhyme you sing to put yourself to sleep at night? Its origin is American..Massachusetts to be exact, in a small town called Sterling. In 1830, it was inspired by a real little girl named Mary, who actually DID bring her pet lamb to school one day.

How sweet it is to know that, while you have your belief in mainly German crafted things, it is an American Nursery Rhyme that safely sends you off to dream land at night. So there seems to be at least ONE thing from us 'Yanks' you find appealing. And funny how its an American Nursery Rhyme from a former British Colony ..... wouldn't it be amusing if Dorian were to look up his family tree and possibly find the branch of his family that might have moved to America and had some hand in the creation of this rhyme? (well it would)
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