Daily Scans Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
March 2nd, 2009
02:30 pm


Keepers of the Maser
This is the first thing I've actually scanned for S_D.

Frezzato's Keepers of the Maser, an Italian comic (originally published in French, I believe), that I stumbled upon at Comic-Con a couple years ago. The story is nearly inconsequential, reading sort of as a pastiche of Miyazaki's Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, but the mixed media art is absolutely gorgeous. It's published stateside by Heavy Metal, and as one might expect from the publisher, there is the occasional naked or otherwise exposed person running about. They certainly don't dominate the story, and are quite often not meant to titillate at all (I'm looking at you, Queen of the Dwarves). They are a bit pricey, being nice oversize European-style albums, which, incidentally, makes them rather difficult to scan.

There are robots, dwarves, airships, great character designs, and giant whale-things. Fantastic visual candy all-around.

Anyway, on with the scans. )

There is a seventh volume which Frezzato wrote, but did not draw that set up the beginning of a second story, but I don't think he's pursued it further. And to be honest, without his art, the setting seems a little less rich. There's also a heftier sketchbook volume full of Frezatto's graphite preliminary work. Process is always fascinating; his is also just as gorgeous as his finished work.

Hope you enjoyed!

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