Daily Scans Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
August 8th, 2009
12:02 pm


Weird Golden Age Patriotism - Super-American
MLJ's the Shield was the first patriotic superhero in American comics, but it wasn't until Captain America came around that the trend really took off. Every publisher rushed to jump on the bandwagon and get their own patriotic hero (or several) out on the shelves. Some were fairly mundane, but others... Others were just plain weird.

In this series, I will take a look at some of the odder, more unique examples of the trend. Members of the original scans_daily will probably remember some of them, but others will be brand new.

First, we have Super-American, originally published by Fiction House. The following story originally appeared in Fight Comics #15. Writer unknown, art by Dan Zolnerowich.

Super-American kicks some crypto-Nazi ass... in America! (13 pages under the cut) )

I was originally going to put up dial-up links, but then I noticed that I kept getting errors and reread the rules. So, if anyone out there has a dial-up connection (or has to deal with a wireless connection to a coffee shop), you can go to this folder.

Current Location: Argo Tea, Chicago
Current Mood: nostalgic
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