Daily Scans Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
July 30th, 2009
07:56 pm


Going past the theatre for eighty years
I almost always like little vignettes like these, showingh the passsage of time while telling a story. Here it just seems to be the eighty-odd years of a man's life spent in the same town. The most obvious changes are the cars and the theatre, but the types of movies shown show how our dreams changed as well. You might also say the condition and upkeep of the buildings and street reflects the man's well-being, too (or maybe the other way around). It's all fairly poignant.

This is from the seventh issue of ECLIPSE, back in November 1982. I don't know anything about Kevin C Brown, and google has let me down, but his style looks familiar... maybe he did something for NATIONAL LAMPOON?


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