Daily Scans Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
August 24th, 2009
10:57 pm


Hey, if Casstoons can do it...
Since I know a lot of people are upset about Batgirl 1 and Cass's spontaneous torch-passing, I wrote a quick fix-it mock-it fic about the many times Steph has found herself taking over for another superhero and, of course, Tim being a big angsty drama queen.

“This is Tim Drake. Leave a message. Or don’t. I don’t care anymore. Bruce lives, haters.”

The machine beeped.

“Hey, Tiiiim! Timmy! Tim-Tim! It’s Steph. Pick up! Your answering machine message sounds weird and gruff. Do you have a sore throat? HEY TIM! Pick up or I’m giving Ms. Martian your phone number. And telling her you got a new kitten.”

And to apologize for this outrageously egregious bit of self-promotion, here's a Batman and Aquaman comic strip by Brazilian cartoonist Eduardo Medeiros

Bats? )

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