Come over and sit on Santa's lap... - December 23rd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Come over and sit on Santa's lap...

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December 23rd, 2009

FIC: Candy From Strangers (Sirius/Neville) [Dec. 23rd, 2009|05:10 pm]


[Current Mood | cold]
[Current Music |You Really Got Me, Oingo Boingo]

Title: Candy From Strangers
Author: Amy/[info]swtalmnd
Pairing(s): Sirius/Neville
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3861
Warnings (if any): chan (14), present tense, doggie erections
Summary: Sirius sees Neville studying out by the forest, and uses Padfoot to lure him into a friendship, and more.
Prompt: #21, Young Neville studies alone a lot, out in the comforting shadow of the Forest, and someone stumbles across him and takes advantage. Why yes, I am cheating and writing my own prompt. *cough*
Author Note: Thanks to [info]isidore13 for the kind beta, and to [info]shadowess, who gave me the idea of prompting my own fic in [info]santas_lap as a motivator to finish and post it.

Whenever Sirius sees the kid... )
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