Come over and sit on Santa's lap... - December 2nd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Come over and sit on Santa's lap...

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December 2nd, 2009

Fic: Curiosity and the Kitten (Albus Severus/Severus) [Dec. 2nd, 2009|09:45 am]
[Current Mood | lazy]

Title: Curiosity and the Kitten
Author: CiraArana
Prompt: #11 – Albus Severus has just learned how to create his own Patronus. The trouble is, it keeps wanting to have sex with the Patronus belonging to a sexy older man and it's giving both of them ideas.
Pairing: Albus Severus Potter/Severus Snape
Rating: NC17
Word count: 6,300
Warnings: chan (13) and sex
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. I make no money with this story.
Summary: If his Patronus can do it, so can Al.
Author’s Note: This is as close to PWP as I can get.

Curiosity and the Kitten )
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