Come over and sit on Santa's lap... - September 4th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Come over and sit on Santa's lap...

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September 4th, 2009

Suggest a Prompt!!! [Sep. 4th, 2009|12:11 am]


[Current Mood | excited]

Prompt Suggestions are NOW CLOSED!

Do you have a slash chan bunny that you would love to see drawn or written? Well now is your chance to submit your prompt suggestions to [info]santas_lap

Please comment with a list of your prompt/scenario suggestions that you would like to tempt the participants with.

  • Anyone can submit prompts/scenarios

  • You don't have to participate in the fest to suggest a prompt (the more prompts the more the participants have to choose from!)

  • The prompts should be situations, scenes, or words that you think would be an interesting jumping off point for a participant to draw or write. They can include characters but they should not include pairings.

  • Feel free to make up to 5 suggestions.

The prompt suggestions will be open up until and including September 10th (around Midnight EST), at which point I'll compile all the responses for the claims post that will go up on September 11th.

Now let the bunnies loose!

And Please Pimp

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