Royal Musings

A playground for the muses

Royal Musings


October 17th, 2008

Private: New Business

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I finally did it.

I bit the bullet and did it.

I know Scott said that I could have an office in the back of the house as my office for my new company but, and call me insane, I managed to find myself a cute little office building close to the house. It has enough room as it stands for my office and a meeting room and a conference room...and whatever else I will need.

I got a good deal too since the guys knew someone.

It's something I've been needing to do for myself and I did. I did it all myself and all they did was supply me with the number...and probably knowing them, supplied a bit of the money or deals.

I'm not sure, but I have a scratch the whole 'doing it myself' thing.

The point of this is to tell you that I now have my very own office building.

I'm putting in my two weeks notice at Sony - although they did offer me a raise and a promotion considering the circumstances in which happened weeks ago.

Am I happy? I'm as happy as I can be right now.

I've emailed Vindictive, Moral Simplicity and the other bands I've been in contact with to tell them of my decision (although both main bands know already) and gave them my contact information if they should like to be changed over to my small business. It's going to be a long and hard road, but I can do it.

I will do it - even with a baby on the way.

Private: A Late Night Dream

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Who: Logan (and Les)
Where: Logan's Bed
When: Morning...ish
Status: Complete/Private
Summary: Logan has a naughty dream about his favorite ex-girlfriend. Good times...
Rating: R/NC-17

Late night dream - NC17 )

July 22nd, 2008

RP: A time for contemplation...

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Who: Les, Pancakes, Scott and wittle-baby inside her
Where: Scott's Scott and her House (The Awesome House or so she has deemed it)
When: 10:20 a.m
Summary: Too much thinking leads to headaches
Status: Complete-ish / Private
Rating: Safe

Les relaxed back on the couch with Pancakes on her chest. It had been a few days since Scott had given her the bunny and she decided that she would start to pet him and give him as much attention as she could at least.

She had gotten up early once again to morning sickness and it was needless to say that she couldn't wait till that part of the pregnancy would be over. She didn't like being sick at different parts of the day. She already was craving various different foods that she normally wouldn't eat, ie: BBQ and lemon mirangue pie, it was only a wonder what she would crave next.

She closed her eyes some and thought about how much had changed in the past year as her hand slid over Pancakes' head. Just this time last year, Scott and her had their "relationship", she was working, he was working, she was living at home, he was living wherever the road and jobs took him, she would see him a few times out of the year and most of the time he was gone - that part, she was happy had changed. They had went from being 'lovers' to 'boyfriend/girlfriend' to being fiance's in a matter of months. They had also went from living apart to living together in a matter of a couple of months as well.

Les was happy with all the changes, even if a part of her was a little scared at how rapidly everything had seemed to changed. She knew there would be more changes in store - body, mind and spirit - in the next eight to seven months especially but she could handle them. She was strong, and if she wasn't she probably wouldn't be here right now. If she hadn't grown stronger from her past dealings with whatever the Logan thing was, she probably wouldn't have been able to deal with the relationship Scott and her had previously.

She had everything she had wished for when she was growing up. She had a good job she loved doing and was in the process of building up her own business, she had family and friends who supported her and loved her, she was independent and knew even if things got hard, she could make it through anything and that's what she's always wanted.

Les smiled, yes she was very content with everything in her life. She knew things would be different as the pregnancy went on and after the baby was born but she was ready. She knew Scott and her would try to take out time for themselves, or at least hoping they would while also giving their child the support and love that he/she needed.

There was so much to be done, doctors appointments, wedding details, baby details, business details, Scott's business much to think about and do - she wasn't sure how it was all going to be done. She knew they would though, everything always managed to get done. It would take time and nothing had to be done right now, so there was a bright side of that. She just needed to relax and not let herself get too stressed out. She heard stress was bad for the baby and she didn't want anything to harm him/her.

Les cleared her mind and focused on her breathing while petting the soft bunny who was shifting on her chest. She opened her eyes some and watched him with a soft smile. "Do you want to be put down, little one?" she asked softly while rubbing his ears. His nose twitched as he looked around then settled on her chest again. She smiled and rest her head back on the arm of the couch again.

Les wondered when Scott would be back from his appointment and hoped it would be soon.

July 19th, 2008

Prompt: What do I want?

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Originally, I was going to write that I have everything that I could want right now.

I have...
A) A fantastic fiance who is everything I've ever wanted in a man; strong, loving, caring, protecting but who understands my stubborn, independent needs, creative, handsome, a great lover...I could go on and on but you get the picture.

B) A beautiful baby on the way.

C) A beautiful new bunny named Pancakes who said fiance gave me last night as a surprise and that I've been looking at every time I go by the pet store. I love him already; so cute and soft...

D) Fantastic friends who have been through a lot with me and who stick by me.

E) A great job that I like to do

The only thing that I want and I know I can't have is for a certain someone to leave me alone. He knows who I'm talking about.

That's all I currently want. I know in another year I'll probably want a couple of nights alone with Scott but for now I'm content with what I have.

July 18th, 2008

RP: Surprise at home

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For who: S and Les
Where: Home; Orlando
When: 3:50 p.m.
Summary: He couldn't wait to give her her surprise. It was something she had been wanting every time they passed the shop.
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13

He checked on the baby rabbit in the cage and smiled, seeing it was asleep. After Les and him had ate, he had went back to the pet shop and bought the white bunny with the gray on top of its head. He'd then bought the necessary supplies for the bunny, like bowls, food, and such. Then he had splurged on toys, a carrier, a leash, a bed thing, treats, some fun places, grooming stuff, and more. The man at the pet shop had even said the rabbits were liter trained which he was so glad for, so he had gotten a liter box as well. He didn't really care that he had spent quite some money because to see the look of surprise and hopefully happiness was all worth it.

Glancing over at the clock, he checked the time. She should be home soon. Dinner was going, her favorite, and dessert was in the fridge, ready to go.

July 16th, 2008

RP: Cafe - She couldn't go cold turkey on coffee...

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For who: Les, Logan, S and anyone else
Where: Cafe; Orlando
When: 10:20 a.m.
Summary: Coffee was her friend. Thankfully she allowed herself at least one or two cups a day. She tried going cold turkey on it but just got one massive headache in return...
Status: Complete
Rating: PG

She had decided not to go into the office today and instead came out to her favorite cafe to grab cup of coffee. As far as she knew, Scott was in the dark room for at least another couple of hours working on the film from last week. She had left him a note in case he worried and hoped maybe he would join her later should she be here still.

She liked coming here and watching the people come and go.

She liked people watching - seeing what people had on, their different ways of walking, talking etc. It was something she had always found interesting and probably helped her out when it came to dealing with people in the business. She had mostly found it easy to get along with most artists that came through and yet barely tolerated those divas that came in 8 times out of 10.

She took a sip of her coffee and relaxed back. She glanced at her open laptop in front of her and scowled. The blinking of the cursor in the word document haunted her. It just kept blinking over and over again. She just couldn't get anything written.

Nothing that she liked anyway.

It was going to be a long day.

January 9th, 2008

What do I

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Strike through means I've either gotten it, or I am in the process of getting it.

1) Be world famous
2) My ex wife to get over herself
3) Lesandra
4) Travel
5) Lesandra with me and in my bed
6) Change the past so that I wasn't such a jackass to Les
7) Whiskey
8) The lover out of the picture so I could get Les
9) New music
10) Dr. Who on DVD

January 6th, 2008


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When I lived in Massachusetts we had snow all the time during winter - it was hell to drive in but to play in and to watch it fall down, it was the best. I loved it.

Now that I've moved to Orlando though, we're lucky if we get cold weather. I know I won't ever move back to MA but I do hope to visit again sometime - just to see the snow and play in it again. Throwing snowballs at asshole and his friends were definitely the best. Oh fun times.

I can say this much, I do NOT miss the driving in the snow part.

Now I want to go play in the snow...

January 3rd, 2008

Who Am I?

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So, what should I tell you all about me?

My name is Scott Morrison but I go by "S" most of the time. I'm a photographer and have been for a long time. I've traveled the world on assignments and just for the hell of it in order to capture every moment of this world that I can. When I'm not traveling (which before was non stop traveling), I stay at my home in Orlando, FL. Now, I've been back for a couple of weeks, to settle down and to finally make my lover, my girlfriend. Of course, that was two weeks ago. Now she's my fiancé, soon to be wife and soon to be mother of my children. Of course it's a bit unexpected and I was shocked but now, I'm thrilled. I can't wait to make her my wife and I can't wait to have our baby with her.

Ahem, anyway, she knows who she is *smiles*. Back to this introduction thing. My best friends include the band, Vindictive, and a few street racers I grew up around. The band, the racers, and I have known each other it seems like forever. Their awesome guys and you can trust them to have you back.

Hm, my hobbies would be taking photos (obviously), playing sports, hanging out with friends, hanging out with Les (my fiancé), and traveling (though not much anymore). When it comes to photography, I take my work serious yet I know how to have fun with it. Its been my life and will always be with me.

So, now you've seen a little into me.


December 20th, 2007

For amusements sake

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For who: Les and Logan
Where: Les' house
When: Sometime, someplace
Status: Complete

This was going to be interesting - all he hoped for was that Lesandra wouldn't kick him out without talking to him first. He stood on her front porch, waiting for her or her friend Jordan to answer the door. He hoped with the the first option and definitely NOT the second one. The last thing he needed was for Jordan to get her panties in a twist. He rolled his eyes. Jordan was definitely NOT helping with his plans on getting Les back with him. All she helped do was drive Les away from him more and more. Course...he couldn't really blame her but still, that wasn't the point! Damnit woman, how long did it take to answer the damn door.

December 8th, 2007


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Hey lady,
You suck. More than I can say.

You had to bring him back into my life when I'm just starting to make a future with Scott?!? Why?

My life is just now getting under control, I'm thinking about quitting my job and now he has to come back and make me second guess everything?

You fucking blow.


I hate you,

November 10th, 2007


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I hate love.

Plain and simple.

November 9th, 2007

What was your most embarrassing moment?

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Les rereads the question again before sighing - then just goes with it.

My most embarrassing moment? Oh, I know this one. It has to be the moment where I actually thought that the asshole (Logan) had any feelings for me whatsoever. That you know, we'd actually stay together for more than a few months and maybe have a relatively long relationship. Yeah, after I found out it was all just some bullshit on his part - I was embarrassed.

Not only that, I was pissed off.

He actually tried to "explain" it to me but I wasn't going to have any of it. Fuck him.

You hear that, Logan?

Fuck. You.

November 7th, 2007

Were you waiting for me?

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To my boss, I'm Miss Gianni.

To friends, I'm Les, Lessy and Alessandra (when they're pissed that is). I'm also called babe, baby, gorgeous...and numerous other 'pet' names from a few of my guy friends.

To family, i'm simply Alessandra or Les.

To he-who-should-not-be-named Logan, I'm Lesandra or Alessandra. He never did want to call me what everyone else called me...

To me - I'm just Les.

I work as a public relations representative for a music company. I am also now a manager for a new band - Moral Simplicity. Unfortunately, my ex is a part of that band and I just can't seem to get away from them. I suppose I could also be an honorary manager for Vindictive - a band that I have grown quite close to in a completely non groupie way. But I suppose that's neither here nor there.

Quite frankly, I've never kept one of these on-line journals before.

So I guess this should be interesting.

September 29th, 2007

Yeah, I'm a rockstar

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So who am I huh?

I'm surprised you haven't heard of me yet. I've been told - rather we've - been told that we're the new hit sensation to sweep across the world.

Nope, I'm not modest at all.

My name is Logan Dominique. I am twenty four years old and from Massachusetts originally.

I'm in a band called Moral Simplicity with my best buds - Nick, Myles, Damien and Shane. We started it when we were in high school and got a record deal after graduation. Kick ass, eh? Yeah, we're enjoying it.

We've moved to Orlando to take advantage of their recording studios and let me just say - so far it's been very interesting.

The first day we got there and went into Sony Studios, we I found out my ex-girlfriend would be our public representative - if only for now.

Of course, I kind of already knew this. See, my best friend is also her best friend (at least one of them) and well he told me she had moved to Orlando to be close to her sister.

I guess you could say it gave me incentive to "persuade" the guys to move here. I haven't changed my mind yet.

I now am dead set on getting my ex-girlfriend Lesandra Morgan back with me. No matter what I have to do. She will be mine again. So she's in love with her photographer friend, I know she still loves me and that's all I need to know for now.

Yeah, this didn't go off topic at all. I was never good with this crap.
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