September 1st, 2019



I Can't Help Myself

Hi, all! This is Natasha with two more characters.

This journal belongs to Cullen Rutherford from Dragon Age. Cullen is basically a career soldier. He was Ellana's military advisor and commander of the Inquisition's forces, as well as eye candy for the Orlesian court to his embarrassment. He's been through a lot and has plenty of regrets, but he's a good warrior and cares deeply about helping people. Fair warning that part of his history deals with addiction. If it comes up IC, I'll warn for it. Cullen is fairly direct and practical and has a dry sense of humor. He should get along well with fellow soldiers. He's living with Jyn and Cassian for the awkward. 😂

Raksha Keller [info]soulofhonor is 18 and a shapeshifter. She can turn into a black panther. She's guarded and suspicious, has abandonment issues and is really bad at tact. Really bad. She is a trained fighter both in her canon and further in her Save Atlantis history. Keller will recognize and trust a few people from Atlantis, although not all of them will know her, which will help her be less suspicious. She'll be joining the younger set, and figuring out college. She's living with Ellana and the Sage sisters. She wears her engagement ring on a collar around her neck.

They arrived in time for the party where they will both be extremely awkward in different ways.