December 16th, 2018



I also don't have a problem. Shut up.

So this is Barry Allen otherwise known as The Flash. He'd a speedster and a forensic scientist and all around awesome. He has PGH from SA mostly so I can say he's been away from home for awhile and not have him moping about Iris forever. You can read his app here, he'll eventually be working for SadTech and he's also sharing apartment #907 with Oliver Queen.

Annnd I also have Scott McCall from Teen Wolf. He's an alpha werewolf and a wanna be veterinarian. He also have PGH from Travelers/Breck to make him Not 17 and a little less freaked out by the world hopping shit. He's going to be finishing high school and then studying to be a vet and he'll also be in apartment #805 with Allison Argent.

Please love them both. ♥