Sep. 30th, 2020



[No Subject]


Sep. 27th, 2020



[No Subject]

Hello hello! My name is Ele and I have spent most of yesterday bothering the living daylights out of some of you lovely people in order to bring you Ron!

I can’t tell you how excited I am to bring him in, so here goes!

While we all know and love (you’d better!) Ron, I thought it was worth my pointing out that I try to play him close to book version and fully embrace the fact that he can be an insensitive arse while being funny and a fairly decent strategist with a brain.

I know that there was a Ron before mine and will give you some differences as I understand them below!

• Ron is single. He was self aware enough to recognise that he was awful for Hermione with his overbearing jealousy and consistent anger whenever she rightfully focused on something that wasn’t him. Ron broke off that relationship during his tacked on seventh year at school and remained a virgin until very recently.

• He’s the World Wizard Chess Champion for the year! After a few years of dossing around, working menial jobs with no real sense of direction, Ron decided to take his love of chess seriously for a change. He went away in October of last year upon qualifying and won his final match shortly before he discovered Fred was home. Ron is currently considering packing chess in because it takes him too far from home in a time where his family needs him.

• Ron has mild, untapped seer powers. He has not applied himself to these and continues to have weird, uncontrollable feelings about certain things. I mean, quite a lot of his off hand remarks have come true in the past, so who knows!

• He is living in Harry’s spare room and is getting heavily involved in Dumbledore’s Army again. I mean, Peter Pettigrew slept in his bed for years and he is still not over that.

More facts are available all over his profile but be warned, it’s pretty long! I would love to find out his friendly relations, explore his lovely family and anything else you want to throw at me!

Please chuck everything my way, I can’t wait to get started.

Sep. 23rd, 2020



[No Subject]


Sep. 20th, 2020



[No Subject]

three month check-in! )

Sep. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]


Sep. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]


Sep. 4th, 2020



[No Subject]

Heyoh. I'm gonna go ahead and take at least a semi-hiatus as my dad has been in and out of the hospital for complications from liver failure recently/my anxiety disorder is fucking loving this :| I might have to drive up to NY from SC and potentially won't have internet past my jank phone if/when I do, so just giving y'all a heads up. Super sorry on anything I owe tags on, so plan on at least attacking what I do owe this morning and/or afternoon. If there's something specifically that needs to come to Fabian, Oliver, Angie, or Bella's attention? Feel free to use their journal's dropboxes or hit me up on discord.

♥ ♥ ♥

Sep. 1st, 2020



[No Subject]


Aug. 30th, 2020



[No Subject]


This is a non-hiatus post! I am still around and not going anywhere! BUT I am currently on a deadline to illustrate a children's book, and at the same time starting a part-time course this weekend with the national dog training federation. As a result I may not have time to be as proactive about constantly refreshing the feed, starting threads and brainstorming plots as I usually am. So if you have an idea for a plot or want to interact with one of my characters I am still 100% up for it! But I may need you to press the button on it for me. Feel free to come after me in DMs or even just put a thread/log up and poke me to respond.

Andy (Lily, Bill, Draco, Ted)

PS. anyone know anyone who wants to play James???

Aug. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

Hey guys, the killer PMS is striking again over a backdrop of like 50 concurrent life stressors, so I'm taking a time out for five days to let the hormone rage and misery wave ride out enough that I can hopefully restuff the rest of it back down. In the meantime, Daph is brotheling, Fred is RRing, Ant is researching minus the use of people, and Andromeda is Andromeda-ing. If you need to know any specifics, hit me up in DMs.


Aug. 26th, 2020



[No Subject]

hey fam! it's L again, and my craziness has reached a whole new level with my fifth character..... /cries.

this here is Trinity Lynn, gryffindor circa '91 (i.e. Tonks & Charlie's year). she's a photojournalist who aided the Order (not a lot, but enough that altverse Order would know of her) but then died in a freaking car accident instead of getting to live on and become super famous instead of just-well known in the photography department. fucking muggle cars, amirite?

anyway, she's popped back up and since, you know, she sort of has a sordid relationship from start to finish with authority ('81 Brixton riots anyone?), she gonna be making herself rull scarce for a while. though rr folks, she's a-comin for you!

so um... give me plot? (except you tonks, we already know about you alright calm yo tits)



quick, grab the red yarn!

Read more... )
Read more... )

Aug. 24th, 2020



[No Subject]


Aug. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

Yo. It's Maggie with #2. This is Dorcas Meadows. 25. Spicy Ravenclaw. Order member and Auror. Freshly here from her murder at the hands of Mold Vold in 1981. It's almost fair since she's spent the last few years being a purposeful thorn in their sides. But hey, gotta take the heat off of the Potters and their recently prophesized baby spawn.

She's cousins with Benjy Fenwick. Related to the Shacklebolts. Likes tequila, puzzles, and arguing. And will be struggling to be logical about the regulations she has to live under. Re-education into the present? Sure. Everything else. Well, rude.

Anyway, feel free to read up on her. I suck at intros. Open for literally anything plot wise. Just throw it at me and see what sticks.



[No Subject]

Número cuatro: Fabian Prewett~

28, reoccurred as of today, formerly an obliviator, Gryffindor '72 that probs would have thrived in Ravenclaw or Slytherin tho, dry sarcasm doesn't even begin to describe him, played seeker for two years at ole 'Warts before giving it up in favour of being a prefect/eventually head boy, is a space geek to the nth degree that he nearly went with the DoM's space chamber re: his job, just wants these damn kids to get off his lawn, the pessimistic answer to Gideon's unending optimism and has forever been willing to stand up to Molly and out mum her at her own damn game, will not hesitate to point out to your face that you're being a flash bastard if you are indeed being a flash bastard, has cool fractal scars, uhhh what else to ramble about... Prior to his death (ie: the night of his 28th bday >.>) he was engaged to be wed to a Mz Barakah Shafiq and will definitely spend some time figuring out what ended up happening to her as a FUN new hobby :| Feel free to read about him more here~

Also no clue why this gif exists, but amuses me too much in some fucking stupid way so have at.

Throw any plot ideas you might have his way! Where my OG Order members at and/or people who weren't or aren't a fan of his beaming attitude? Relatives to whatever degree cuz lol purebloods? Gonna just end this here before anyone gets hurt or wtfe, but still replying to the last round of intros and catching up on every last tag I owe slowly but surely!

LA (Oliver, Angie + Bella)



[No Subject]


Aug. 18th, 2020



plot info: new restrictions!

those with the means for the megaphone will always provide us the soundtrack )

Aug. 17th, 2020



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[No Subject]

Hello all you brightly colored tins of tea. Nico here with Fleur! Happy to be joining everyone. So, intros...uhh I'm kinda bad at this. She's more or less the same Fleur as before with some minor detail changes: She's a housewife, after a month returning home to France she literally packed a bag and left in the middle of the night to go find that handsome red-headed guy named Bill because she just *knew*, she's really chilly towards Fred for not telling the family about his return from the dead (but supports him not going to the Ministry), she's taken up baking in the last couple of years and is actually pretty good at it, and she is often spotted shopping in town because old habits die hard.

As for me, I am based in CST (GMT -6) and and if you ping me on Discord I will usually reply right away. Sometimes weekends can be hard since I like to hike, but I'll try to get back to any tags or queries as quickly as I can.

So lets do the plotty-plot and back-plot and all that fun stuff. And please, please give me threads. I'm so bored of being stuck in the house.

Aug. 16th, 2020



[No Subject]


I am Maggie, which is boring.