Livejournal Refugee Camp

User: [info]ex_tiggy388
Date: 2008-03-22 17:49
Subject: Welcome to the Community
Security: Public
Mood:bouncy bouncy
Tags:mod post, rules, welcome post

Refugees of LJ is an asylum created for IJ users who have left LJ, or are considering leaving LJ. Because of recent unrest over on Livejournal, more and more users are migrating their way over to Insanejournal. However, many may find starting over in a new journal to be a daunting task.

This asylum is designed to create a community of users who are considering moving their journals, or who have previously taken the plunge. Helpful topics would include the best ways to transfer journals, finding old friends (and indeed, new ones too!), positive feedback, tips and tricks for getting started at IJ, and perhaps sharing stories with users who understand what you went through.

This, of course, is only the parameters set out for a new community. Come, join and make this a truly safe haven for those who felt forced from their previous internet home.

Rules are fairly basic:

1. Stay courteous and keep cussing to a minimum.

2. Do your best to stay on topic! You can always open another thread if you wish to continue your tangent.

3. Despite the name of the asylum and it's stated goals, any and all members are welcome. Even if you were not a member of LJ. This is providing you are there to help new members make the adjustment and find new friends.

4. I reserve the right to ban members for multiple infractions, and to add to or change the rules as needed. I will make any changes known to you before implementing them.

Any comments questions or concerns may be directed at either here or at my personal journal. My e-mail address can be found at both places, as well.

Thank you for joining! Together we can make a community that can act as a stable base for new IJ members.

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my journal
May 2008