Dec. 27th, 2008


Icon: Remus & Teddy

Just a little thing today, Red.


An icon of Remus and Teddy. ;) Of course, Teddy isn't actually a wolf but so what. He's adorable. :)

ETA: Seems like I ought to mention this is only for Red (not that any of us would nick it).

Aug. 10th, 2008



I suppose this is a little self-indulgent as much of it has to do with my trip(s). I already mentioned to [info]red_day_dawning, the only fic inspiration I had at all while I was away was for a Snupin for her but I haven't managed to get it finished - instead my brain writes Ron/Scabbers to pass the time. :P However, I do have some things to share instead.

Some photos for Red )

Jul. 27th, 2008


Black Roses

Variations on a theme :)

mind the thorns! )


Sunday is Icon Day!

Clicky here for your Sunday surprise! )

Jun. 28th, 2008


More Iconz for Youz! ^_^

It's not Sunday here yet, when I was going to post, but it's Sunday where you are so I'll go by that ^_^

I'm not sure how much you like animation, but I adore it. So I made you a bunch of animated icons and am including commentary on why I made them the way I did, haha ^_^

Iconz for Youz! )

Jun. 25th, 2008


Some more Icons

More icons for Red

Icons )