Jul. 31st, 2008


WHO: Alecto and Amycus Carrow
WHERE: Lestrange Manor (I'm assuming that's where they're staying for the time being?)
WHEN: New Years Eve
WHAT: Celebrating a new year

May old acquaintances be forgot and never brought to mind... )

Jun. 18th, 2008


WHO: Alecto Carrow, Amycus Carrow, and Greta Gamp (NPC)
WHERE: Carrow Manor
WHEN: Tuesday night
WHAT: Alecto has a few jealousy issues?

In Which Amycus Is Not Very Happy )

May. 24th, 2008


WHO: Death Eaters and their spouses
WHERE: Carrow Estate
WHEN: Saturday afternoon
WHAT: Tea time! Celebrating Tahlena's hire

When we live such fragile lives / It's the best way we survive )

May. 23rd, 2008


Private Owl to Amycus Carrow

Private Owl to Amycus Carrow )