QAF Pets [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer as Folk didn't have enough pets. We want to fix that.

Puppy Drabble Series Updated Again [May. 9th, 2008|05:32 pm]


This is the next section of my Season Five fix-it series of drabbles about the puppy and how Brian and Justin only break up when Brian won't let Justin get a pet, which I wrote about here.

This story starts here and then links along from there.

Also it was typed by [info]xie_xie_xie who uses that name even though it is not hers.

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Puppy Drabble Series Update by Rebel [May. 7th, 2008|11:01 am]


I don't know what "Indiana" is exactly, but something happened there that made [info]xie_xie_xie (not her real name) be on the computer all day yesterday but now she isn't so she typed this for me. Finally.

This is the next installment in my Season Five fix-it puppy drabble series based on the meta I wrote about how Justin only breaks up with Brian when Brian won't let him get a pet. That's the part I'm fixing.

It started here and links as it goes along. This is the new part.

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bookgirl24's pets [Apr. 13th, 2008|08:23 pm]
[Current Mood |tired]
[Current Music |my husband in the kitchen making brownies]

This is my daughter's cat Angel. When my daughter got up off of the couch to go to the kitchen her cat jumped up and took her spot. )

And this is the reptilian member of the family, Sandy )
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Just this one [Mar. 9th, 2008|04:30 pm]

[Current Mood |determined]

My Sam and Sprite said that this was so beautiful that we had to share it.

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Second Chance, by Rebel [Mar. 4th, 2008|05:39 pm]


Dear everyone,

Hello! I have not been able to post here in a while because [info]xie_xie_xie (not her real name) has been using the computer. Sometimes it's for work which I can understand because, as she has explained, if she doesn't work they don't give her money and then she might be unable to afford my dinner.

But then she used it to make three posts about Kyrie's skin infection and I think that's a lot because I have a genetic kidney defect and when has she even told you about that?

But I wanted to let you know my story from the "Second Chance" challenge at [info]qaf_challenges has been posted and it's here on my own journal and also here at the challenge, if you want to read it.

It is a story in which Justin has an art show and also there may be a puppy.


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The Animal Rescue Site [Feb. 26th, 2008|04:43 pm]

Please add The Animal Rescue Site to your bookmarks and visit it daily. Every time someone visits the site and clicks on the big "Click Here to Give - It's FREE!" button the sponsors/advertisers of the site donate money to provide food to rescued animals. We all spend plenty of time online every day. What's another 30 seconds?

And since you'll already be there, take another 30 seconds and click along the top of the screen every day too and you can help fight hunger and illiteracy, save the rainforest, and improve the health of women and children in need.
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[Jan. 24th, 2008|06:15 pm]


Dear everyone,

[info]xie_xie_xie (not her real name) is leaving and I'm very distressed. Even if she hasn't been typing my drabbles for me lately.

Two nights ago my lawyer bunny said everyone should read this story. I didn't write it but neither did [info]xie_xie_xie (not her real name). A person (or maybe it was a dog, I don't know) named soundczech (probably not her real name either) wrote it. It is about a pet that Brian and Justin get. It is a very good story even if it's not really a fix it fic although it's set around 506 and there is no breaking up so probably it is.

Here is a little bit:

When Brian arrives at the loft forty minutes later, there is a tiny winged reptile staring at him from the back of the sofa.

Justin stares blankly at Brian, who is frozen in the doorway hearing the buzzing of fifteen years’ worth of acid trips in his ears.

“Is that a fucking dragon?” Brian asks at length.

“Oh my god, you see it too?!” Justin scrubs his hands over his face. “I thought I was going nuts or something. I was trying to figure out how to break it to you.”

“Did it follow you home from school?” Brian walks slowly into the loft and drops his briefcase and coat by the door. He stands next to Justin and they stare at the dragon.

“It was here when I got home. I think it came from the egg.” It opens its mouth and flames lick the air around its face. “Brian, your client gave you a dragon.”

It is all sharp angles like horns beneath its skin. Blue black flesh like a bruise, mottled over tiny ribs and vertebrae. It sneezes and sparks crackle in the air, fading to the smell of fire and brimstone. At Brian’s side, Justin recoils.

“Should we call animal control?” Justin asks.

“And say what, a dragon followed me home from school today?”

“Maybe if we leave the window open, it’ll fly away.”

They stare at it. It hisses flames and flexes its little wings.

They leave the window open.


After two weeks, Brian closes the window. Justin is unimpressed by Brian’s protests about burglars and the shifting weather, and scowls angrily at that little fucking dragon, curled up in Brian’s sheets.

Brian named him Marlon, and he’s now the size of Justin’s fist. He makes weird sounds in the middle of the night and eats all the fucking tuna. Tuesday morning, Justin woke to scorch marks on his sneakers, the soles melted a little into his crumpled jeans.

“Forget it,” Brian had said. “Those jeans were fucking ugly anyway.”

It’s easy for him to say. Marlon doesn’t go near Brian’s Gucci boots, his Prada loafers. Justin loses three pairs of sneakers by Monday.


Brian hasn’t ever had a pet, Justin supposes. It’s forgivable that Brian has somehow formed an attachment to the little fucking beast, scratching behind its horns while he watches CNN, feeding it bits and pieces off his plate at the dinner table. And it is kind of cute, when it’s not barbequing Justin’s Chuck Taylor’s. Sort of. He decides to leave it be for a few more weeks. It’s unlikely that Brian’s affection will wane, but if Justin leaves it long enough Brian might freak out and decide Marlon is better off without him.

You should definitely read all of this very wonderful story.


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Puppy Drabble Series Updated [Jan. 15th, 2008|05:38 pm]


Crossposted from my [info]hounded journal, I'm sorry if this is Spam.

Spam is very nasty.

I have a work in progress puppy drabble series in which I fix the Season 5 breakup arc with a puppy just like I fixed the Season 2 one with a kitten. Kittens are more powerful than puppies, because they were more messed up in Season 2. This is based on the meta I wrote about how Justin only breaks up with Brian when Brian won't let him get a pet.

It started here and links as it goes along. Here is the new part which you might not have seen yet:

Puppy Drabble Series Update by Rebel
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Give until it hurts helps! [Dec. 30th, 2007|11:58 pm]

This plea for help -- and they only need ten dollars! -- came across some of my dog lists tonight. I know the group involved and can vouch for them. So if you have ten bucks to spare to help dogs, please check it out below the cut -- the deadline is 12/31.

Thank you!

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Queer as the Holidays [Dec. 28th, 2007|07:45 pm]

So... did you deck your pets?

Kyrie finds the holidays annoying.

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Gerbil!fic [Dec. 27th, 2007|11:29 pm]

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The wondrous [info]severina2001, who has written some of the loveliest stories of the love in our fandom, wrote a holiday gift exchange fic for our own darling [info]not_yet_defined and it is about Brian and Justin's gerbil!!!!!!!!!
Brian shrugged and leaned against the doorjamb. “You could set it free.”

Justin looked up hopefully. “I… could.”

Brian waited.

“Let it rejoin it’s little gerbil friends in the wild,” Justin said. “No animal should be caged. It’s inhumane. I could let it run free!”

Brian raised a brow.

“I’m doing it,” Justin said.

Fifteen minutes later, Brian watched as Justin trudged morosely through the snow to the back door. His jeans were soaked from the knees down.

Brian let him in without a word.

Both Justin and Beatrice were shivering.

“I couldn’t do it,” Justin moped.

“I know,” Brian said. “You’re not that heartless.” He took the cage from Justin’s hand and set it on the counter. Then he smirked. “Want me to do it?”

“No!” Justin said. “He’s domesticated. He’ll die out there.”

Justin leaned against the counter and buried his face in his hands. Beatrice spat and chattered angrily at him.

“Brian--” Justin began.

And Brian sighed.
You must read it immediately, here.
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[Dec. 21st, 2007|08:10 pm]

May I present Corgi,who is my dog godson and he loves QAF.especially season 3 soundtracks (he has a good taste) and he will be a proud owner of a rainbow coloured collar as soon as he is allowed to open his Xmas present from his Godmum.
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Fun With Feral, Ch. 2, Part 2 [Dec. 20th, 2007|11:58 pm]
[Current Location |Home Sweet Home]
[Current Mood |snarky]
[Current Music |Twisted Sister--We’re Not Gonna Take It]

Title: Fun With Feral—Day 2, Part 2
Author: LegalMonet
Disclaimer: CowLip owns everything. I merely use the QAF Colorforms set and make my own cut-outs as I go along.
Summary: Chapter 2, Part 2 of “Feral.” B/J are pet-sitting Daphne’s pet, Feral, for 3 days. Please read “Feral,” and “Fun With Feral, Ch. 2, Part 1” first. I don’t know how to do the “linkie thing” or “cut thingee” on IJ yet.

The Loft—Saturday, 10:47 a.m.

scratch . . . . rattle . . . . scurry

scratch . . . . scratch . . . . scratch

rattle . . . . scurry . . . . scurry . . . . RATTLE

RATTLE . . . . SCURRY . . . . SCRATCH . . . . SCRATCH . . . . RATTLE . . . . RATTLE



Justin startled awake from his marathon fuckfest with Brian. Disoriented and anxious, he listened to the weird noises in the loft, and realized that Brian was not in bed beside him.

Justin panicked and called out, “Brian? Brian?? Brian!!” Brian was not there.

Justin suddenly remembered. OH FUCK. Feral was out there. Apparently out of the hammock, in the cage, on the Mies Van Der Rohe coffee table, in the loft, and totally freaking out.

And Brian was gone.

Justin groaned and ran his hands through his sticky hair—yelping as his fingers caught in the strands coated with Brian’s dried cum.

OH, HE WAS SOOOO FUCKED!! What was he gonna do NOW?!? If Brian had fled his own home, what was Justin’s next move?

Justin leaped out of bed when he heard the loft door slide open . . . .

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Fun With Feral—Day 2, Part 1 [Dec. 20th, 2007|09:59 pm]
[Current Location |Home Sweet Home]
[Current Mood |chipper]
[Current Music |KISS--Shout It Out Loud]

Title: Fun With Feral—Day 2, Part 1
Author: LegalMonet
Disclaimer: CowLip owns everything. I merely use the QAF Colorforms set and make my own cut-outs as I go along.
Summary: Chapter 2 of “Feral.” B/J are pet-sitting Daphne’s pet, Feral, for 3 days. Please read “Feral” first. I don’t know how to do the “linkie thing” or "cut thingee" on IJ, so just go to my Dec. 19, 2007 post on IJ before you read this. UM . . . anyone want to help me with the "cut thingee"????

The Loft—Saturday, 3:19 a.m.

scratch . . . . rattle . . . . scurry

scratch . . . . scratch . . . . scratch

rattle . . . . scurry . . . . scurry . . . . RATTLE

RATTLE . . . . SCURRY . . . . SCRATCH . . . . SCRATCH . . . . RATTLE . . . . RATTLE



Brian startled awake from his marathon fuckfest with Justin. Disoriented and slightly anxious, he listened to the weird noises in his loft, his hand pressed protectively on the small of Justin’s back. Justin mewed in his sleep and snuggled his ass closer to Brian, but did not awaken.

Then Brian remembered. OH FUCK. That THING that long skinny rat was out there in the darkness of his living room. Apparently out of the hammock, in the cage, on his Mies Van Der Rohe coffee table, in his loft, and totally freaking out.

Brian’s first instinct was to roughly shake Justin out of his blissful sleep. But Brian’s curiosity got the better of him. He wanted to take a good look at the intruder. Brian slowly slid the pillows from underneath his head and pressed them against Justin’s back and ass. Justin sighed and continued to slumber. Brian eased out of bed and pulled on his sweatpants.

Brian padded barefoot down the steps of the bedroom and realized that THE THING had stopped moving, but had started chirping. The furry little fucker sounded like Justin mewing and sighing during sex!

Brian turned on the light underneath the range in the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, snapped the top, chugged deeply, and slowly approached the cage. Feral’s eyes glowed in the semi-darkness, watching Brian’s every move and chirping.

Brian went to his desk and turned on the lamp. In the light, Brian saw Feral proudly displaying his lean brown-and-tan body and black feet and handsome face. “Must be nice to spend your life in a sling,” Brian smirked out loud.

Brian’s keen intellect led him to research ferrets. If he was stuck with the furry menace for 3 days, he’d need to be fully informed. During his research, Brian saw an image of a male ferret’s perineum. “Impressive!,” Brian mused to himself, “the little fucker has some big balls.”

But then Brian read about ferrets being sensitive to cedar chips and other strong odors. OH FUCK!! Why had Justin gotten the cedar chips!! And then Brian realized it was to hide the smell of the ferret from him. Realizing that the cedar chips could harm the animal with the big balls, Brian carefully approached the cage.

“Alright, you fucking furball. Man-to-Man—I need to get this shit out of your cage,” Brian rasped, staring into Feral’s eyes. Feral chirped repeatedly and grabbed the bars of the cage in anticipation.

“Shhhhhhhh,” Brian whispered, “This is just between us.” Brian opened the cage, gently lifted Feral, and removed the tray of cedar chips.

Feral instantly calmed down, burrowing his nose in Brian’s neck.

TBC . . .
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FERAL [Dec. 19th, 2007|10:05 pm]

The Loft—Friday, 8:17 a.m.

“I CAN’T, Daphne!! Brian would FREAK!!” Justin queened to Daphne.

“Fuck, Justin!! It’s just for 3 days and I can’t leave Feral alone!! You’re my best friend!! And I thought you knew how to handle Brian!!,” Daphne queened back with her arms angrily folded against her chest.

Justin ran his hand through his long blonde hair, scratched the back of his head, and formulated a plan.


Brian entered the loft at 10:24 p.m., insanely horny after a stressful day. He threw his jacket over the couch and went to put his briefcase on the desk when he spotted the cage on the Mies Van Der Rohe coffee table.

“Justin?? Justin!! JUSTIN!?!? Where the fuck are you and what the FUCK is this . . . THING doing in my loft!!,” Brian queened.

“And what the FUCK is that SMELL??,” Brian spat, pinching his nose in disgust.

“It’s cedar chips, Brian,” Justin yelled from the bedroom. “And that THING is Daphne’s pet, Feral. We’ll be taking care of him for 3 days, while Daph’s away.”

Justin casually slinked down the steps from the bedroom—his perfect alabaster feet unshod. His long blonde hair was freshly laundered and gleaming. He was dressed in a skin-tight ice-blue short-sleeved silk sweater and perfectly-tailored black Armani pants that hugged his crotch and his ass. It was Brian’s favorite outfit.

Brian licked his lips and felt his dick harden and his balls swell while he watched Justin slowly approach him. “Little Twat,” Brian thought, “he’s setting me up.”

“Why is that long, skinny rat in a fucking hammock?,” Brian queried idly, distracted by Justin’s long blonde hair cascading over the soft, blue fabric of the sweater, the sight of Justin’s thick, hard dick straining against the Armani trousers, and the fruity smell of Justin’s body wash.

“I thought you LIKED your men in a sling,” Justin taunted lustily, looking up at Brian through his lashes, his blue eyes blazing with desire, grinding his erection against Brian, and gliding his plump lips and soft tongue across Brian’s lips.

Brian attacked Justin’s mouth and all thoughts of the ferret in the hammock in the cage on his Mies Van Der Rohe coffee table in his loft were forgotten.
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FIRST POST [Dec. 18th, 2007|12:08 am]
[Current Mood |chipper]

Around end of S4, on.
CHARACTERS: Cookie, Hunter, Michael, Ben and yes Brian and Justin....
A/N: This ficlet is as OLD as THIS community...I wrote it the day this community was created and I've been holding on to this ficlet since. I don't know why I didn't post it right away. Heh. Thanks a lot to FOREVERBM for reading and quick beta'ing the story for me. And THANKS A LOT to my beta, you're the best!!!!
If for any reason, I made any mistakes in posting this, please let me know. THANKS! 

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B/J Pet Ficlet [Dec. 17th, 2007|04:08 pm]
[Current Location |Home]
[Current Mood |silly]

Hi Everyone. Someone on my flist suggested that I share my ficlet with this community.  Hope you like it!

Title:  Little Bow Wow
QAF Characters:  Brian/Justin
Rating:  PG
Summary:  Justin convinces Brian to buy a dog.
Disclaimer:  I don't own these characters, Showtime and Cowlip do.

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Read this... OMG. [Dec. 11th, 2007|02:55 am]

I don't know why I do this to myself.

Do me a favor. Read This and give your puppies, kittens, snakes, birds, fish, etc... a big fat hug.

on a lighter note. Twink got a haircut today and looks ten lbs lighter and like a whole new dog. I'll post a picture tomorrow but apparantly, when you mix Bichon with Shitzu (both notoriously difficult dogs to groom) you should brush the hair occasionally. (Twink's last mommy didn't do that, and it was too far gone for me to fix) I shall be brushing him every day from now on.

okay, read the article and then go make sure you have what you need for ALL the members of your family in case of emergency.
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Gru Meets Aida [Dec. 1st, 2007|06:49 pm]

This story was inspired by

This picture

and is continued from Here

A/N: This is dedicated to Kyrie because even though I write about Gru and Aida, I love her.

When Gru Meets Aida )
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Sprite's Chihuahua [Dec. 1st, 2007|03:23 pm]

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