Dec. 30th, 2014


Gift # 1

TO: [info]xheartrockx
FROM: [info]mander3_swish
TITLE: Eat Some Fucking Chicken Soup
GIFT REQUEST: Fanmix. can music be H/C-centric? Brian/Justin
NOTE: I tried for hurt/comfort...this is probably more like angst/hope. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Youtube l 8tracks l sendspace

Lyrics and Music )

Dec. 30th, 2013


Gift # 3

TO: [info]sxysadie21
FROM: [info]mander3_swish
TITLE: addicted to the light
GIFT REQUEST: Fanmix. All encompassing of said show. everyone! (I'm specific. You're welcome)
NOTE: Dear Neesey, I did think of all the different characters and relationships when thinking about these tracks, with a common thread of 'addiction' to string them all together. Hope you enjoy! let me know if any of the links aren't working!

front & back covers:

listen here )