Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus - December 31st, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus

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December 31st, 2006

ANOTHER POLL! [Dec. 31st, 2006|01:43 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

There was an overwhelming majority that voted for fics to be posted in two batches, and it will make things easier for me, so I've decided to go ahead with that.

This will be a one-off. The next challenge will be back to the old rules to try and keep things fair for all the writers.

Ok, I know some of you are still writing and not near finished. If I don't post batch two for a few days, will you be able to finish?

Or should I post batch 2 within 24 hours of the first batch?

[Error: Invalid poll ID 897901]

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WHILE DECORATING THE TREE [Dec. 31st, 2006|06:38 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: While Decorating the Tree
Written By: [info]ladybrannon
Timeline: Future
Rating: PG-13 (for language)
Summary: Gus asks Justin how he can possibly know that Brian loves him if Brian has sex with other men.
Author's Notes: I have no claim to these characters. This is just for fun. I’d like to thank my beta, Alinora, for all her help.

While Decorating the Tree )

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THE STUD OF LIBERTY AVENUE IS BACK [Dec. 31st, 2006|06:39 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: The Stud of Liberty Avenue Is Back
Written By: [info]sfscarlet
Timeline: Season 1 and 4 somewhat AU
Rating: NC 17
Summary: Can Justin give Brian the best Christmas present ever?
Author's Notes: Thanks to [info]bluebirdgirl79 and hynerianprincess for beta

The Stud of Liberty Avenue is Back )

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Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Holly Jolly Merry Fucking Christmas
Written By: [info]sxysadie21
Timeline: Post Season Five
Rating: NC 17
Summary: Justin's not coming home for Christmas.
Author's Notes: Thanks to both [info]bestmixtape (who as usually let me harass her for days on end) and [info]_sarapie_ who got sucked into this last minute but was a great sport. :)

Holly Jolly Merry Fucking Christmas )

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CHRISTMAS FANTASIES [Dec. 31st, 2006|06:43 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Christmas Fantasies
Written By: [info]randysgirl_645
Timeline: Post 513
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Spanking
Summary: Brian fulfills Justin Christmas fantasy
Author's Notes: Enjoy :D I want to thank my beta [info]shadownyc for her help.

Christmas Fantasies )

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CHRISTMAS PAST, CHRISTMAS FUTURE [Dec. 31st, 2006|06:45 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Christmas Past, Christmas Future
Written By: [info]moon__river aka [info]challahchallah
Timeline: post 513
Rating: PG-13/R for slight language and mentioning of phone sx
Summary: It's two weeks til Christmas...
Author's Notes: Thanks a million to my Beta, who reassured me that I should submit this instead of erasing the whole thing

Christmas Past, Christmas Future )

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BUILDING MEMORIES [Dec. 31st, 2006|06:45 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Building Memories
Written By: [info]seanmegansean
Timeline: Christmas/New Year’s 2006
Rating: R
Author's Notes: A huge thank you to my beta. You know who you are :)

Building Memories )

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SILENT NIGHT [Dec. 31st, 2006|06:46 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Silent Night
Written By: [info]stephmck
Timeline: Christmas Eve 2006
Rating: 17 +
Warnings: M/M sex scenes (duh!)
Summary: Justin has a surprise gift for Brian.
Author's Notes: Thanks to my Beta's who make writing a pleasurable, fun experience.

Silent Night )

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THE JOURNEY [Dec. 31st, 2006|06:46 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: The Journey
Written By: [info]gaeln
Timeline: 2002 - 2004
Rating: mostly PG13ish; little NC17
Warnings: AU; Brian / briefly implied other; Justin / briefly implied other
Summary: A story that deals with the idea that in any and all Universes Brian and Justin will find each other
Author's Notes: thanks [info]shadownyc your corrections and feedback helped very much

The Journey )

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THE MOST BORING NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY EVER [Dec. 31st, 2006|06:46 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: The Most Boring New Year's Eve Party Ever
Written By: [info]sonofabiscuit77
Timeline: Future
Rating: R
Summary: Gus is forced to attend Brian & Justin's New Year's Eve Party, meanwhile B&J have resolutions of their own...
Author's Notes: This is a sequel to a previous fic of mine: "The Lamest Most Half-Assed Plan in the Universe" which I wrote for the icon challenge. You don't have to have read that to read this (but it helps!). Anyway, you should know that that took place about 20 years after 513, Justin had left Brian for a few weeks to live in LA and a 19-year-old Gus flew out there to help fix their relationship. This fic takes place about two months later. Many thanks and kudos once again to a great beta in [info]singlewoman0604 for your comments and corrections.

The Most Boring New Year's Eve Party Ever )

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FUCKING FUCK PRESENTS...FUCK [Dec. 31st, 2006|06:47 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Fucking Fuck Presents… Fuck.
Written by: [info]0corona0
Timeline: Post Season 3, Pre Season 4
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Be careful what you wish for. It might just come true.
Author’s Notes: Thank you, Lena. :)

Fucking Fuck Presents… Fuck )

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AT THE MALL [Dec. 31st, 2006|06:47 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: At the Mall
Written By: [info]wren_kt7oz
Timeline: Some time early season 5 – just after Justin gets back from LA and before things get weird
Rating:. R (for language)
Warnings: Shmoop
Summary: Three perspectives on a visit to the Mall to see Santa
Author's Notes: Un-beta’d – so blame me. But thanks to the challenge organizers.

At the Mall )

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HOPE FOR THE HOLIDAYS [Dec. 31st, 2006|06:48 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Hope for the Holidays
Written By: [info]ley_rae
Timeline: Season 3, post-Heifetz, pre-Harrisburg Symphony
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Ethan is featured, but don't worry - it's really about B/J
Summary: Justin receives an unexpected gift, and loses his Christmas spirit.
Author's Notes: Many thanks to my beta, [info]flamencanyc for the title, grammatical assistance, and wet-blanket removal.

Hope for the Holidays )

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UNAVAILABLE? NAH [Dec. 31st, 2006|06:50 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Unavailable? Nah.
Written By: [info]superren
Timeline: After 513.
Rating: R.
Warnings: Only my complete inability to write a fluffy Christmas fic, though god knows, I tried.
Summary: Justin thinks about Christmas, makes a new friend in NYC, and forgets Brian's present back in his NYC apartment. Brian doesn't seem to mind.

Unavailable? Nah )

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CHRISTMAS IN THE PITTS [Dec. 31st, 2006|06:50 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Christmas in the Pitts
Written By: [info]zortrana
Timeline: Season one
Rating: PG
Summary: Brian and Justin’s first Christmas “together”.
Author's Notes: Thanks to [info]shadownyc for the beta.

Christmas in the Pitts )

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QUACK [Dec. 31st, 2006|06:51 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Quack
Written By: [info]suzvoy
Timeline: Season 5 AU
Rating: R
Warnings: Only for what's in the show - language and sex
Summary: Brian does do Christmas. Kind of.
Author's Notes: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Quack )

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FROST [Dec. 31st, 2006|06:51 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Frost
Written By: [info]xie_xie_xie
Timeline: Season 2
Rating: R
Warnings: Angst
Summary: A season 2 Christmas Eve.
Author's Notes: Thanks to my beta

Frost )

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HOLDING ON [Dec. 31st, 2006|06:52 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Holding On
Written By: [info]allie_quixotic
Timeline: Post 513
Rating: NC-17
Author's Notes: Thanks to my beta.

sometimes it’s harder to hold on then it is to let go )

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LET THIS BE THE MOMENT [Dec. 31st, 2006|06:52 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Let This Be The Moment
Written By: [info]beathen
Timeline: Future fic - Justin is back in Pittsburgh
Rating: R
Warnings: Angst (but it ends happy!)
Summary: As Christmas approaches, Brian and Justin struggle with their failing relationship
Author's Notes: Title taken from the lyrics to "Let there be peace on Earth." My heartfelt gratitude to my beta [info]besame_bj for being a wonderful help and awesome friend

Let This Be The Moment )

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WHAT LAY BENEATH [Dec. 31st, 2006|06:53 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: What Lay Beneath
Written By: [info]cindybaby
Timeline: A year or so post 513
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Sometimes wishes do come true.
Feedback: Yep, let me know what you think.

What Lay Beneath )

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ALWAYS HAVE, ALWAYS WILL [Dec. 31st, 2006|06:53 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Always Have, Always Will
Written By: [info]chering and [info]fansee
Timeline: Post-513
Rating: NC-17
Summary: How Brian and Justin may have spent the holidays. Inspired by a gift exchange request that I just couldn’t keep the angst out of.

Always Have, Always Will )

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CLANDESTINE [Dec. 31st, 2006|06:59 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Clandestine
Written By: [info]falconhawkowl
Timeline: approx. 2 years after 513
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: unprotected sex (within a monogamous relationship)
Summary: Complete schmoop! Brian and Justin have a New Year’s surprise.
Author's Notes: Love and gratitude to my wonderful beta!

Clandestine )

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MUSTARD YELLOW [Dec. 31st, 2006|06:59 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Mustard Yellow
Written By: [info]vlredreign
Timeline: S4-ish
Rating: R
Summary: Justin is having a hard time coming up with a gift for Brian
Author's Notes: Thanks to my awesome beta, who looked this over at the last minute. I love you.

Mustard Yellow )

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UNTITILED [Dec. 31st, 2006|07:00 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Untitled
Written By: [info]silent_seas
Timeline: Jumps between several points post-513. Also one part set during 513.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Some angst. Happy ending.
Summary: Justin leaves Pittsburgh and finds his way back. 2000 words, written like a collection of deleted scenes. And there’s Brian in a wet bathing suit. Ahem.
Author's Notes: Concrit more than welcome.

Untitled )

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FIRST BATCH OF FICS POSTED! [Dec. 31st, 2006|07:02 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

I've been in a mad rush, sorry for the weird postings, guys.

The first batch of fics have been posted, thanks to all the writers. I'm sorry I didn't have time to reply to all your emails.

The second batch will be posted in 2 days. They're due before midnight on January 2 (US time). I'll post any fics that have come in before then. Hopefully you will all be finished by then.

Once more, fics are in random order and anonymous until the big reveal. Authors are asked not to comment on their fics or cross post them to maintain anonymity.


Happy new year to all!

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