.::...:. :.: ..
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curious skipper [userpic]
A little Gift of Thanks

Dear DJ,

The Snarry community wouldn't be half so strong or so fun without you. Thank you for bringing us all together year after year. The stories and art produced during the Snarry Games are second to none!

On a more personal level, you renew my love for the pairing even as canon made it near impossible. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of it! It's been such an honor and a pleasure. Seriously, I can't thank you enough! I've just had so much goddamn fun making art and meeting people. Like, it was AMAZING to meet you in person. ;laskdjfadsf I'm incoherent.

So in thanks, I realized I never did any uh.. porny art for the Games. it is )

Thank You!

eeyore9990 [userpic]
With Deepest Thanks...

Dear Snarry Games mods goddesses,

I was going to write a drabble. No, really, I was! But then I heard that DJ liked a bit of dub-con mixed in with her double penetration, and really... is 100 words enough?

I didn't think so.

This is so very vague, but I hope you enjoy it regardless.

Thank you so much for the past FOUR YEARS(!! OMG!!) of [info]snarry_games goodness. Fandom is so much richer for it.


Title: Have Your Cake...
Pairing: Snarry plus Snape
Rating: NC-17?
Warnings: Dub Con/Double Penetration
Word Count: 641
A/N: Based on this art by [info]jin_fenghuang.

Have Your Cake... )

Topping from the Bottom

Title: Topping from the Bottom
Authors: plantinshadows
Team: Snitch
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Fairly self-explanatory, I think.
Authors' Notes: A small sketch for DJ to thank her for her help and all the work she had with the Games!!! Thank you so much!!

Current Mood: grateful grateful
just as unpleasant in person [userpic]
Snape and Harry wanted to say Thanks (in a NWS way)

A Love Note for DJ (NWS!) )

Current Mood: grateful grateful
Current Music: Head Over Feet, Alanis Morissette
Thank you, DJ

Title: Fighting With Snape
Author: MontanaDan
Rating: NC17
Summary: Fighting with Snape = foreplay. (Enough said)

This was meant to be a Pre-Games Challenge fic, but, as most of my work does, it got out of hand and ended up too long. (pfft, I don’t think it’s in me to do short.) Anyway, I expanded it a bit and now present it to our lovely DJ, who deserves many fics and pics without the need to chase after authors and artists.

Thank you to bitingmoopie for the beta and to joanwilder for all her posting help.

A. Squeaky Shoes; B. A Creaky Old House; C. Hiding

Fighting With Snape )

joanwilder  aka RaeWhit [userpic]
Severus and Harry's 2009 Snarry Games Debrief

Title: Severus and Harry's 2009 [info]snarry_games Debrief
Author: RaeWhit aka [info]joanwilder
Rating: NC-17
Genres: YES!
Warnings: NO!
Summary: In which Severus and Harry reminisce about the Games, and go on and on and on and on....
A/N: I think I hit all of the artses, and all of the fics, save two or three that I've yet to read. I'll add ref to them after I've read them. DJ, this is all your fault.

Severus and Harry's 2009 Snarry Games Debrief )

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