.::...:. :.: ..
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Thank you piccie for DJ!

This is for you, a lttle gift for all your hard work with the Snarry Games!


The Tipping Point )

Accioslash [userpic]
*Hugs You*

I always find it harder to thank someone who I owe a great deal than someone I only owe a little. So if there is any good explanation for why it took me so long to post this, that is the only explanation I have. How do you adequately thank someone for giving up so much of their time and their talent for so many years? How do you express how much of a difference their hard work made to someone else? To a *lot* of someones? While I never thought the Snarry ship was in danger of sinking, our fandom would be so much poorer without DJ and her Snarry Games crew. And I don't have enough words to express the true depth of my gratitude. I realize that deep thoughts aren't really my forte. But I couldn't let this opportunity go by unacknowledged. So, thank you, DJ, from the bottom of my Snarry-loving heart. You've made a real difference in our community and we all owe you a debt we can never repay.


Teeny gift art under the cut... )

cluegirl [userpic]
Gift Ficlet for DJ.

Dearest, most patient Mod, I couldn't help but write this for you, after all you've suffered through on behalf of these games.

Your heroic sacrifices deserve no less. Ergo, from one Harry lover to another, I present the following:

What Do You Get?
By Cluegirl
Rating: tame
Summary: At the last staff-only dinner before the reopening of Hogwarts, tension brings certain, unignorable truths to the surface.
Author's notes: Thanks to Rikibeth for the lightning-fast beta. And as for the story, I mean every word.

It was a dark, and stormy night... )

ivylady [userpic]
Many Thanks, DJ

DJ, thanks so much for all that you do running Snarry Games. I've participated in two fests, and though they were nerve wracking, they were also some of the best fun that I've ever had. This last fest was simply magnificent (I almost died from the awesome overload), and a wonderful way to go out. Thanks again!

To show my appreciation, here's a little gift for you.

Title: The Next Adventure
Author: [info]ivylady
Rating: G
Word Count: 440
Summary: After years of being at everyone's beck and call, Severus and Harry embark on their next adventure.
Author's Notes: For DJ, mod extraordinaire, who has hosted [info]snarry_games for years and made it such an awesome place for Snarry fans to read fic and view art. Thank you so much for all you've done!

Read more... )


One of the bestest fests ever and it felt not just like a part of my fandom-life, but also you and your co-mods were wonderful, amazing examples of why fandom is so awesome. It's not just the canon, it's also the people working behind the scenes to make this experience interactive, fun, welcoming and creative.

I AM RAMBLING, LOL. Pictures say things better than words. Since this last fest was a blend of many things - new and old fans, art and fic, Snarry and other fandoms - I figured I could keep going with the trend and tailor it specifically for you!

However...not everyone agreed with my idea....

See what I mean? (worksafe art) )
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

ariadneelda [userpic]
For DJ

Thank you for giving us the Snarry Games all these years! It's the fest I've always looked most forward to - so much fantastic Snarry fic and art! Taking part has always been an honour and one of my best fandom experiences. ♥

picture - WS, I think )

ETA (Sept. 29): I felt like playing a bit more in Photoshop - as if you needed two half-arsed artses instead of one. Um. But hopefully, it'll make you smile... )

Sinick [userpic]
Pop Goes The Voldie

Title: Pop Goes The Voldie.
Authors: Acid and Sinick.
Team: Snitch
Rating: G
Word Count: 320
Summary: The caring between Snape and his familiar isn't all one way.
Authors' Notes: This ficlet and artwork is for DJ, who has given the Snarry fandom a truly legendary gift: literally years and years of wonderful stories and artwork, from hundreds of participants. Without her genius for inspiring and encouraging fellow fans, we would ALL of us be so much poorer.

Pop Goes The Voldie )

Current Mood: thankful thankful
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