The Phoenix Flies

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Thursday, March 27th, 2008
9:00a - Drabble-a-thon!
It's time for our Drabble-a-thon! We had an excellent drabble-a-thon last time, and we're very excited to bring it back for round two. Check out the rules, pimp it to your flists, and get ready to drabble!


1. Your mods will post a prompt every hour, on the hour.

2. The prompts may be anything that your autocratic mods choose - a word, a character, a quote from one of the books, song lyrics, a quote from another source, a picture, anything.

3. Long prompts and photo prompts will be placed under lj-cuts, but anything that is shorter will appear outside of a cut.

4. Drabbles must be exactly 100 words (not counting title and header information). Drawbles should be quick sketches, approximately 15-20 minutes worth of work or so.

5. You may produce as many drabbles or drawbles as you choose, for as many prompts as you choose. If one prompt inspires you - you can write or draw five, or as many as you like. If the next five prompts don't speak to your muse - no worries! It's all about having fun.

6. All kinds of drabbles and drawbles are accepted - het, gen, slash, any pairing, any genre and any rating. We do ask that you post accurate warnings when necessary.

Drabbles and drawbles can either be posted in their entirety as a comment to the prompt or you may post them to your own journal (IJ only, please), then post a link in the comments - be sure to include the header information and any necessary warnings when you do so. For NWS drawbles and NC-17 drabbles, please post them to your personal journal under an lj-cut and make sure that the warnings are clear in the header info that you post in your comment.

7. Please use the following header for every drabble you post:

Word Count:

and the following header for drawbles:


8. We encourage you to write and post your drabbles this weekend, but late entries will be accepted all though next week.

9. Read the other interpretations of the prompts and leave comments and love for your fellow drabblers ... and above all, have fun!

10. We'll post a masterlist of all submissions and also create a gift for the person(s) who created the most drabbles/drawbles during the weekend and the week following.

It's going to be a lot of fun! Pimp this to your flists, clear your schedule for this weekend, and sharpen your pencils!

Feel free to use the following banner and icon if you wish when pimping or participating:
drabble-a-thon banner and icon )

Please also note that posting for the fest will be suspended over the weekend so entries don't get lost among the 48 prompts posted.

Any questions? Feel free to comment here or email us at festmods at


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