Thursday, June 18th, 2009

A gift for luvscharlie!

Giftee: [info]luvscharlie
Title: Interdepartmental Cooperation
Pairing/Characters: Percy/Tonks
Rating: PG13
Warnings: none really, just some good old fashioned groping
Disclaimer: not mine! and they are old, you can tell because they are in an office.
Summary: After reading a report on lack of communication between departments in the Ministry Tonks takes the criticisms to heart and closes the communication gap between the aurors and the author. Or something like that.
Notes: So, um, luvscharlie, I have this drawing I was thinking you'd like. S' got a Weasley, and this chick whose hair changes a lot, and I was thinking you two should hang out some time. Just, I don't know, dinner, a movie, nothing serious, doesn't have to be a commitment or anything. Thought you two might have some things in common, and so, yah, let me know, and I'll set something up between you. Though warning, it is a bit shy, being the first piece of proper fanart in almost a year, so forgive it its awkwardness and lack of background, I swear underneath that it has a really great personality.

( Interdepartmental Cooperation )
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Sunday, June 14th, 2009

A gift for gm_weasley!

Giftee: [info]gm_weasley
Title: Unorthodox
Pairing/Characters: Percy/Penelope, Percy/Tonks, Luna, Oliver, Kingsley, Trio cameo.
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 7000
Warnings: a bit of swearing, some frustrated groping.
Disclaimer: not mine, apart from the Head of the Treasury.
Summary: Percy's first job interview does not, in any way, go according to plan. Even with Penelope's help and Oliver's mockery. There seems to be an annoying blond witch standing between him and his dream job...
Notes: thanks to K&R for the beta. Hope you like this - I tried to strike a good balance between humour and deeper, sadder doubts etc. Thanks for the great list of prompts - it was really fun to write!

( Unorthodox )
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Friday, June 20th, 2008

A gift for lee_west!

Artist: ???
Giftee: [info]lee_west (westwardlee on LJ)
Title: n/a
Pairing/Characters: Percy/Oliver
Rating: G
Warnings: Copious amounts of hand holding
Disclaimer: Not mine. Rowlings. Is my arts though.
Summary: Oliver and Percy visit the borrow with the intentions of "coming out" to the family. Oliver is, of course, quite the gentleman.
Notes: Photoshop magic.

Percy/Oliver )

Title: n/a
Pairing/Characters: Percy/Tonks
Rating: G
Warnings: Too much cute.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Rowlings. Is my arts though.
Summary: A sweet little scene. Doubles as a sweet desktop!
Notes: Photoshop magic.

But wait! There's more! )
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Sunday, June 15th, 2008

A gift for luvscharlie!

Author: ???
Giftee: [info]luvscharlie
Title: Imagining It
Pairing: Percy/Tonks, (Bill/Tonks)
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 3,600
Disclaimer: Not mine. No profit is being made.
Summary: He was fantasising about his brother's girlfriend. It was sick. He probably was too. But Tonks was gorgeous, and clever, and she worked for the Ministry, and she'd been wearing a low-cut pink top that clung to curves that were Merlin's gift to the horny adolescent male, and he was an eighteen year old boy who had read a lot on the subject of raging hormones. So he probably couldn't help it.
Author's Notes: I really hope you like it, [info]luvscharlie! ♥ Thanks to my beta-reader for much hand-holding.

Imagining It )
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