pbs by ariel - July 7th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
pbs by ariel

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July 7th, 2010

+488 zoli [Jul. 7th, 2010|01:15 am]


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i can't believe how you looked at me with your james dean glossy eyes, with your tight jeans and your long hair and your cigarette-stained lies. could we fix you if you broke? and is your punchline just a joke? )
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+31 misc gore [Jul. 7th, 2010|02:26 am]


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features: gore, vampires, blood (NSFW, some bewbs)

i'm a killer, cold and wrathful. silent sleeper, i've been inside your bedroom. i've murdered half the town, left you lovenotes on their headstones. i'll fill the graveyards until i have you. )
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misc - fashion, random [Jul. 7th, 2010|02:33 am]


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features: fashion, women, random

the crawfish were screaming, the waves danced in time. my friends went in deeper, the water, it climbed. i watched in terror, the lake opened wide, and horribly roaring, it pulled them inside. that's how it happened, why would i lie? there are no bodies, i've got none to hide... )
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+ 162 ashley richardson [Jul. 7th, 2010|10:16 pm]


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ashley richardson.

* aka Ashlea Fabulous, she's on Suicide Girls as BabyLove and GodsGirls as Serenity. I'm still looking for her GodsGirls sets if anyone has them!

baby blue-heart, where are you going now? caged and sober, in medication candy-land. you are the night-bird, you like it wild. you walk the beat but you ride in style. sweet night-bird, you know the dope. )
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