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pbs by ariel

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+31 misc gore [Jul. 7th, 2010|02:26 am]

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features: gore, vampires, blood (NSFW, some bewbs)

i'm a killer, cold and wrathful. silent sleeper, i've been inside your bedroom. i've murdered half the town, left you lovenotes on their headstones. i'll fill the graveyards until i have you. )
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misc - gore [Oct. 5th, 2008|03:21 am]

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features: blood, vampires, medical
warning: not for the squeamish, not safe for work

now i'm losing blood from my veins, they're slowly emptying, i'm bothered by this crimson red to the color of blood. to the color of a b, the color of a l, to the color of a o, the color of o, to the color of a deep crimson red from a little bitty accident, accident. i scraped up my face, bounced my cheek on the floor because anything worth doing's worth getting hurt for. i've made no mistakes, i'm never learning from that, i got no regrets, i wanna do it again, do it a-g-a-i-n. )
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