Pandemansion: A Pan Fandom RPG's Journal -- Day
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Pandemansion: A Pan Fandom RPG

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[12 Apr 2008|09:37am]
April 6th, year unknown, place unknown.


The calm before the storm is nothing like the beauty afterward. Small clouds are scurrying across a clear blue sky. A light breeze toys with the tree limbs and curtains of the open windows of the mansion. It is comfortably warm, back up in the mid-70s.

No elevator music today! The fairies are still around though. For every fairy that was harmed or killed yesterday five more have popped up in it's place. They still cannot form coherent words, nor have they grown any in stature.

Watch where you step still! When a loud sound is made a fairy will faint!

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April 6th, Kakashi and Anzu and OTA [12 Apr 2008|08:30pm]
Who?: Kakashi and Anzu Mazaki and OTA (if you want to join in, contact first!)
What?: Meet and Greets, Open to anything
When?: Late Morning
Where?: Seated on the Right Side of the Kitchen Door Facing the Counters
Rating?: PG-13 (for language and adult books)
Status? In Progress

Small Annoyances )

15 caused pandemonium|cause some pandemonium?

April 6th, Ayla, Edward and Max [12 Apr 2008|08:54pm]
Who: Ayla, Edward and Max
What: Her Arrival
When: Morning
Where: The Mansion Foyer
Rating: G
Status: Complete

Drug Induced Hallucinations? )

15 caused pandemonium|cause some pandemonium?

[ viewing | April 12th, 2008 ]
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