Jan. 11th, 2008


Hikaru no Go: The day before (Touya/Waya, hard R, 280 words)

Title: The day before
Fandom: Hikaru no Go
Pairing: Touya/Waya
Rating: Hard R
Words: ~280
Summary: Written for Porn Battle, for prompt "Touya Akira/Waya, the day before". So, um. Just silliness with a blowjob.

The day before Touya Akira told Shindou Hikaru that he liked men... )

Jan. 9th, 2008


Hikaru no Go: God's Mysterious Ways (Touya Kouyo, PG, 2000 words)

Title: God’s Mysterious Ways
Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Summary: After his death, there are still some adventures for Touya Kouyo.
Notes: Written for [info]trensaddiction at [info]fifthmus! I had fun writing something different from my usual type. And a huge thank you to my betas! Originally posted here.

God's Mysterious Ways )

Oct. 31st, 2007


Engrish, or, Five Reasons Why Mitani Wants to Learn How to Speak English Properly

Title: Engrish, or, Five Reasons Why Mitani Wants to Learn How to Speak English Properly
Fandom: Hikaru no Go
Rating: PG
Words: ~330
Summary: 2. He wants to visit New York and see the Statue of Liberty. Gen.
A/N: For [info]aiwritingfic for betaing my [info]blind_go fic! Thank you ♥


A Tale of One (Two, Three) Boys (Kishimoto/Mitani)

Title: A Tale of One (Two, Three) Boys
Fandom: Hikaru no Go
Pairing: Kishimoto/Mitani, vague hints to Mitani/Shindou
Rating: PG
Words: ~5600
Summary: Mitani meets Shindou, and then he meets Kishimoto.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Hikaru no Go. The title is of course a reference to A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.
A/N: Thank you to [info]mu51ng_drag0n for inspiring the pairing, to [info]verloren1983 for making me sign up for [info]blind_go, to [info]lenta_85 for spell-checking and to [info]aiwritingfic for the awesome beta which made this fic so much better. Originally posted here, this version has one very minor edit. lots of grammar editing, thanks to [info]viridian_magpie!


What He Has (And What He Doesn't) (Touya Koyo/Morishita Shigeo)

Title: What He Has (And What He Doesn't)
Fandom: Hikaru no Go
Pairing: Touya Koyo/Morishita Shigeo
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A look at Touya and Morishita's relationship around the time they got married.
Words: ~1080
Notes: Thank you to [info]lenta_85 for beta! All the remaining mistakes are mine.