Jan. 9th, 2008


Hikaru no Go: God's Mysterious Ways (Touya Kouyo, PG, 2000 words)

Title: God’s Mysterious Ways
Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Summary: After his death, there are still some adventures for Touya Kouyo.
Notes: Written for [info]trensaddiction at [info]fifthmus! I had fun writing something different from my usual type. And a huge thank you to my betas! Originally posted here.

God's Mysterious Ways )

Oct. 31st, 2007


Harry Potter: Foolishness (Snape/Ginny, NC-17, 2200 words)

Title: Foolishness
Pairing: Snape/Ginny, others implied
Rating: NC-17
Words: ~2 200
Summary: I fasten the blindfold over her eyes, and only then do I let my hand caress her body. The light is dim enough for her freckles not to stand out too much.
Warnings: chan? (happens during DH)
A/N: My eternal gratitude and all future babies belong to miarr, who did an awesome job betaing this fic. ♥


I survey her, standing at my office. )



Title: How Yuki Eiri Asked Shindou Shuichi On a Date, Or,
What Being Threatened By a Sniper Can Make You Do

Fandom: Gravitation
Pairing: Yuki/Shuichi
Notes: Happy birthday, [info]firescribble!


Ginny/Ron for 100quills

Thanks to [info]lenta_85 for betaing these!

Title: Wrong
Rating: PG-13
Prompt Set: 50.1.
Prompt: #8, Wrong
Word Count: 215
Summary: This was so wrong, and Ginny knew it.
Warnings: incest.

Title: Growing Up
Rating: PG
Prompt Set: 50.1.
Prompt: #18, Child
Word Count: 163
Summary: Ginny gets her first bra. Ron notices.
Warnings: hints to incest
Notes: Summer before GoF.

Title: Tomorrow
Rating: PG-13
Prompt Set: 50.1.
Prompt: #3, Tomorrow
Word Count: 217
Summary: Tomorrow I'll marry Hermione. Tomorrow I'll quit shagging my sister.
Warnings: incest

Title: Dead
Rating: PG-13 for language
Prompt Set: 50.1.
Prompts: #46 Tears, #10 Breakfast, #4 Blank
Word Count: 469
Summary: Ginny is dead, and it’s Harry’s fault. They were such idiots. Even Hermione doesn’t make Ron feel anymore.
Warnings: tiny, tiny hints to incest, mentions of torture.
Notes: I did something that FAQ says is allowed, put three prompts as separate sections in one fic. I hope I did it right...

Title: True Love
Rating: PG
Prompt Set: 50.1.
Prompt: #31, Forgiveness
Word Count: 203
Summary: True love is learning to forgive your lover their flaws.
Warnings: incest

Title: The Right One
Rating: PG
Prompt Set: 50.1.
Prompt: #20 Clarity and #45 Who?
Word Count: 583
Summary: Ginny turns Harry down, Ron wants to know who for.
Warnings: incest.
Notes: Again, see me kill two birds with one stone. Thanks to [info]crystalusagi for looking over this and making the sentences actually sound like English!

Title: Promises
Rating: PG-13
Prompt Set: 50.1.
Prompt: #40, Promises
Word Count: 301
Summary: Boys make promises to Ginny.
Warnings: incest

Title: Ancient Magic
Rating: PG
Prompt Set: 50.1.
Prompt: #34, Ancient
Word Count: 176
Summary: Love is ancient magic.
Warnings: incest

Title: My Hero
Rating: G
Prompt Set: 50.1.
Prompt: #42, Hero
Word Count: 366
Summary: I have always had a thing for heroes. Ginny-centric.
Warnings: none.
Notes: Written also for [info]hp_ficathon prompt #24, Admiration.

Title: Denial
Rating: G
Prompt Set: 50.1.
Prompt: #33, Transparent
Word Count: 279
Summary: Ginny breaks up with Dean, and Luna has her own theory why.
Warnings: mentions of incest
Notes: Written also for [info]hp_ficathon prompt #19, Denial

Title: Caught
Rating: PG
Prompt Set: 50.1.
Prompt: Parents
Word Count: 327
Summary: Arthur and Molly find out.
Warnings: incest
Notes: To [info]wilshirist, because she inspires me.

Title: Quarrel
Rating: G
Prompt Set: 50.1.
Prompt: Quarrel
Word Count: 100
Summary: Ginny screams, and Ron turns maroon.
Warnings: it’s not really incest so I’m not warning about it ;)
Notes: This is a drabble I wrote at work today...

Title: Cold
Rating: PG
Prompt Set: 50.1.
Prompt: #11, Ice
Word Count: 100
Summary: Ginny is feeling so cold, so cold inside.
Warnings: incest
Notes: Written also for [info]10k_drabbles.

Title: Desperate Measures
Rating: PG-13
Prompt Set: 50.1.
Prompt: #02, Magical, #01, Doubt, #15, Shaken, #26, Friends
Word Count: 1173
Summary: Ginny takes desperate measures to get what she wants.
Warnings: incest
Notes: 40% (=20/50) done! Yay!

Title: Weeks, Weeks, Weeks
Rating: PG-13
Prompt Set: 50.1
Prompt: #21, Weeks
Word Count: 358
Summary: Ginny hasn't seen Ron in weeks.
Warnings: incest

Title: Her Life
Rating: PG
Prompt Set: 50.1.
Prompt: #43, Natural
Word Count: 377
Summary: I don’t think I can do this anymore, she wants to say.
Warnings: implied incest

Title: Loss
Rating: PG-13
Prompt Set: 50.1.
Prompt: #36, Cemetery
Word Count: 299
Summary: Ginny experiences loss.
Warnings: character deaths
Notes: Unbetaed.

Title: After a Flight
Rating: PG-13
Prompt Set: 50.1.
Prompt: #41, Race
Word Count: 100
Summary: Ron feels relief rushing in his veins as they halt.
Warnings: incest