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Apr. 18th, 2015


Hey guys! :) Vic here with my children. Apps aren't all finished just yet but it's less not knowing what I'm doing and more the fact that working two and a half jobs is stupid. So under le cut is my crew!!


Apr. 13th, 2015


Hola! I'm Penny, and I currently have two.

This guy is going by Mel Ashton and teaches history at the university. He is a fae. Specifically, he is a dryad, and he gets really irritated that everyone thinks dryads are all women. (Dryads are mostly women. Mel was a lot more androgynous when he was younger. Now he's just grumpypants.) He actually came through the last Rift and has been living on Earth since then, and over the years has accumulated a bunch of Bonded shamans that all, well, died, and his most recent one died a year or so ago, so now he's stuck between "but I am tired of everyone I love dying" and "BUT I REALLY WANT TO BE BONDED TO SOMEONE AGAIN", so that's fun. He owns a bit of property in Vancouver (a couple of apartment blocks and two houses) and pretends to be his own landlord. He's good at double-lifing it. He's currently unaffiliated because he doesn't trust the Clan yet.

The second is Adelaide Dixon over at [info]rosesarerho, a shaman. She's from a very wealthy family who have ties in the jewellery and horseracing fields, and she's been studying physical therapy at the university for the past four years. She started late, when she was 22, because she was diagnosed with schizophrenia when she was seventeen, and it took her a while to get a handle on the medications and therapy. It's actual schizophrenia, not shamanism being mistaken for schizophrenia - she has both. She's pretty friendly, perpetually cheerful except on bad days, and she volunteers massages to her classmates because she likes helping people; her biggest magical strength is pain management. She's not as good with potions and such, but if you see her in person for a massage, she's brilliant. She's also unaffiliated, but mostly because she hasn't had the chance to make up her mind yet.

So yes. Those are my two (so far)! I'm pretty much open to any and all plot, because I am easy :D

Apr. 11th, 2015


Plloott with mmeeeeee

This is Casey Lewis, he is a shaman who leans heavily on healing craft and potions and runs an herbal shop online and he lives in the Alliance HQ. He's really sweet and kind of a pushover sometimes. Mostly he's just pretty nervous and a good person.

Oh and he has a 4 year old son, Tucker, who is wonderful. They're a dynamic duo for sure, a real team.

Feb. 12th, 2014



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