Opus Two RPG - March 20th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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March 20th, 2011

[Mar. 20th, 2011|08:36 pm]
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[Mood | blah]

*is several weeks into what will be a very short tenure at SDS, and he can't say they've been the best weeks of his life* *as if being the new kid in class didn't suck badly enough, he's the new king in class, with at least two security guys on him at all times (the babysitting's bad enough, but they also check his locker and his lunch, and he can't even pretend to be as frustrated as he might be otherwise, now that he's been at the sights-end of a gun)* *hopes Cel's having a better time of it in Gondolin*

*thinks he'd go completely insane if not for Galadriel* *settles on the (empty) school steps with his lunch and backpack to wait for her, as he does every day* *smiles reflexively at a few girls walking by, and they do smile back, but they also hurry past without stopping* *sigh*
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