Opus Two RPG - February 22nd, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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February 22nd, 2011

[Feb. 22nd, 2011|06:27 pm]


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[Mood | chipper]

*may be having the best week ever, which is something of a monumental achievement, considering!*

*has been packing up his house bit by bit since Doc's last visit, boxing things he doesn't use every day and keeping half an eye on houses for sale* *hasn't really told anyone but Carol about the plans, yet, since they don't have a concrete date and Doc's just beginning the process of unhooking himself from his life up north*

*does have one other person in mind to tell right away, though* *texts Glorfindel and arranges to meet him for coffee after work* (*yes, goes without his one cup of coffee all day to save it for the afternoon*)
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[Feb. 22nd, 2011|09:01 pm]
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[Mood | blah]

*can't quite believe Celeborn is skipping town so soon* *really can't believe Cel is skipping town to go to Gondolin to learn official ambassador-ing from the Noldor* *it breaks his head a little to even think those words in that order*

*drags himself out of bed way, way too early to meet his cousin at the train station* *is appalled by the security measures this simple jaunt will require, but in the end, decides he would much rather feel like a moron mildly inconvenience a few travelers than let Cel go without saying goodbye* *is not a girl, shut up it's been a rough month*
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