Opus Two RPG - January 31st, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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January 31st, 2011

[Jan. 31st, 2011|07:52 pm]
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[...a message to my fellow Doriathrim, both at home and abroad... it is my sad duty to inform you that his Majesty Elu Thingol, lord of Menegroth and sovereign of all Doriath, has been killed... death occurred less than an hour into the citywide blackout of two days past... he is succeeded by his grandson, King Domíran Berenion Eluchíl... and now her Majesty the Queen Regent will address the nation...]

*scarcely hears a word of the official announcement, carried out with due sobriety by the Palace's official press secretary, nor does she recognize her own voice in the minutes that follow (somehow there are words of comfort, of strength, and she must hold fast to her people's shocked hearts while her own lies scattered on the blood-soaked carpet)*

*retires immediately afterward for lunch with her family, and they give up on their untouched food ten minutes later, choosing instead to sit together and reminisce by turns, stories and laughter and tears to fill the wide silent spaces; but she herself is silent, when Lúthien's reddened eyes still watch the doorway expectantly, and Mír's white face speaks to horror unvoiced*

*as night falls, withdraws to her private garden, leaving instructions that she is not to be disturbed for any reason*
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[Jan. 31st, 2011|11:29 pm]
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*working on a tip from Glorfindel, hauls ass with his grandfather and Mike the Marchwarden to Vána's place*

*makes his way to the front door and wonders how closely guarded the place is likely to be*

*figures he might at least try knocking (and it takes all his restraint not just to shout out Káni's name*
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