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Dec. 16th, 2010 @ 04:18 pm So...
In the interest of not being dead, I thought those of us who still check this place could let everyone else know who's here and who isn't.  That way, we can advertise on our respective comms for new players if we need them.  Just post the names of your characters (if you have more than one, just list them in a single post) and we can go from there.
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Nov. 30th, 2010 @ 12:47 pm (no subject)
You guys....are we dead?
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Nov. 22nd, 2010 @ 04:36 pm (no subject)
So, I fail. I admit that I fail and hope not to fail in the future.

I've been having back to back headaches and with that combined with people that I genuinely can't stand being around has made things...icky. But I'm trying not fail now!

Anyone want Toph or Ty Lee for anything?
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Nov. 19th, 2010 @ 02:58 am Blah
I'm sorry for the threads I'm holding up, guys. I have been having ridiculous writer's block for the past couple of days, not to mention a crapton of school work to stop procrastinating on. I will be back soon, I promise :/
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Nov. 15th, 2010 @ 03:34 pm Christmas comes early!
So I spent all day yesterday making icons. I never want to see icons again. Use what you want, discard what you don't. I will go collapse on the couch now since I cannot breathe.

All zipped into separate files for your convenience )
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Nov. 12th, 2010 @ 09:18 pm A request
Hey guys,

So I'm finally playing Sokka and I have some favors to ask.

1. I am like, the laziest person in the world when it comes to icons. Can anyone point me in the direction of some good Sokka ones? (Or more for Azula; that'd be nice too.) I pretty much only have the four for Sokka right now.

2. I'm still feeling really shaky about this whole playing Sokka thing, so please, please feel free to critique me. Or replace me, even. I love Sokka, for for some reason he's really scary to play O.o
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Nov. 12th, 2010 @ 11:41 am Chat transcript and plotting
Look at that face. Clearly Iroh has some evil plottage up his sleeves! )
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Nov. 11th, 2010 @ 02:58 pm Friendly Reminder From The Surly One
Just a reminder that the post with the Fire Nation girls is open to the rest of you guys. :3 Feel free to hop in, start a separate comment thread or interact with us incognito!

UPDATE: The thread is now "officially" open for the Gaang and the Odd Couple (read: Zuko and Iroh) to get involved if you're so inclined. Please join in!

It is recommended that you start a new comment thread for new actions. Perhaps put in the subject like [Character and Character/OPEN].

I guess you've all learned that I'm way more cheerful than my PC counterpart....

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Nov. 11th, 2010 @ 12:28 pm Group Chat!
Hey guys! We're going to attempt a group chat tomorrow around 11AM EST. It's early so that Miss Emily can participate as well. Remember, she's a bit off from us, as is Mira. Hope everyone can make it. We'll be discussing plot.

Also, if this doesn't work for everyone and you'd like a chat transcript sent your way, let me know and that can also be arranged.
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Nov. 11th, 2010 @ 10:55 am OOC
Hey mods! Any chance we can get the "Incomplete" tag removed from this post? We finished! Hurrah! (and it wont let me delete it)
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Nov. 10th, 2010 @ 05:33 pm (no subject)
Hey Maq!!!

I am finally playing Sokka. I'm sorry it took me so long! orz. Do you have any ideas about how you wnat Suki to break out? I can throw up a post at some point but I'm not sure where to put Sokka. Also, if anyone else wants Sokka (or Azula!) let me know :)
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Nov. 6th, 2010 @ 10:05 am (no subject)
Psst! Emily and Jay, if you want to join in on the Katara/Aang thread, you're welcome! I didn't want you to think it was closed to just us two.
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Nov. 4th, 2010 @ 11:52 am Update
Okay, I feel really bad holding everyone up but my life has been a crazy haze of packing and going to the hospital and guh. I leave for France tomorrow and I *hopefully* will be able to get my stupid, finicky French internet connection be behave properly as soon as I get back. If this is the case, I should finally be able to respond to threads and stuff by November 6th. Hopefully.

Update on the update:

I am back in France! Whoot! Aaaand I'm also severely jetlagged so I'm going to go crash and then I will finally start tagging. Promise!

PS: The Last Airbender (the live action movie) was one of the movies available on the plane coming over. I watched the first ten minutes and decided it wasn't worth my time around the time that Katara started referring to Sokka as "S-OH-kuh" and Sokka, in the mean time, was busy being all "look at how manly I am" instead of cracking jokes or providing comic relief. Disappointment :(
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Nov. 1st, 2010 @ 01:22 pm FRIENDING MEME!!
• Name/Nickname:

• Personal LJ if you care to share it:

• Character(s) you play EVERYWHERE:

• Favorite fandoms:

• Favorite video game:

• Favorite book:

• Favorite movie:

• Favorite ATLA episode and why:

• Favorite food:

• Hobbies:

• If you were an animal, what would you be?:

• If you were a crayon, what would you be?:

• If you could meet one character in your favorite OTP, who would it be and why?:

• What does your journal consist of?:

• Show us a picture that makes you laugh!:
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Oct. 30th, 2010 @ 08:11 pm Update
Hey guys,

I'm really sorry to delay even more, but I apparently have the worst luck in the world. My grandpa fell down a flight of stairs yesterday (he's relatively alright, although he's in the hospital) so I'm going to be absent for a little longer. Sorry everyone! I promise I will thread like crazy when I get back into the swing of things.
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Oct. 27th, 2010 @ 10:38 am (no subject)
Hey guys,

I apologize for being so absent for the past couple days - there was a death in my family and the funeral was yesterday. I'm kind of busy today, but hopefully by tomorrow I can be in the swing of things and start posting with Sokka and Azula.

~ Emily
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Oct. 26th, 2010 @ 04:17 pm OOC: A little confused
Hey guys, don't hate me, it's been a few months since I last watched Season 2, and reading through the episode summaries in addition to our timeline, I'm a little confused.

Did we switch up some parts of the timeline? If not, which episode are we "on", specifically?

I'd like to get posting - and I don't know if I should wait for Azula to post or what...but I want to make sure I don't mess up! Thanks!
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Oct. 21st, 2010 @ 11:46 am Plotting
So since Emily is officially the coolest person ever and is going to try her hand at Sokka despite not really wanting to do so but doing it for the sake of the gaang game...*breathes* that was a long sentence...we're going to be able to start now! Ish! Here's my issue...

When I originally came up with the idea of an ATLA game and pitched the idea around LJ, the people who were all "ZOMGIWANNAPLAAAAAAAY!" all said mid-season two would be a good place to start. I was all whatevs and didn't really care where we started. Well, all those people who were so jazzed up to do it failed and bailed, which means...we can start any fricken place we want. Huzzah!

So...input? Either comment here, email me (phasingirl@gmail.com) or IM me (phasingirl). I will have AIM on all day, but I will also be in and out of my office so if I don't get back to you straight away, I swear I am not ignoring you.

Unless, of course, I am. 0:-D

ETA: Let's get started then! We'll begin after the drill, when almost everyone is starting to adjust to life in Ba Sing Se. Put up your threads, peeps!
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Oct. 19th, 2010 @ 02:55 pm Mai Chiming In
Hi everyone! I'm mippa and I'm playing Mai! This is my first time RPing Avatar, though I've been RPing online since the AOL 1.5 days. Just a little info about myself:

- lived in Tokyo, Japan from 2005 - 2008
- minored in Chinese
- voice-act as a hobby (mostly anime, but also a cartoon currently being produced *crosses fingers*)

I really look forward to getting started! I'll do what I can regarding promotion. Do we have any codes that I can use to advertise/can someone make one?
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Oct. 19th, 2010 @ 11:22 am (no subject)
Hello again! It's Jay, and this time I bring you the thoroughly bubbly acrobat, Ty Lee!

She's just as you remember from the series. Happy, energetic, extroverted, incredibly flirtatious and scared of Azula. And, you know, flexible to the millionth degree. She's a master of taijutsu (because she's not a Firebender like some of her sisters were) and also of Chi-blocking (manipulation of pressure points to block chi in benders and make them unable to bend or to render the limbs of non-benders sensationless and useless!). Azula got her from the circus to chase Zuko and Iroh and now she's at the wall of Ba Sing Se with the Drill. So yeah.

So...have at her, I guess? Haha.

~ Jay
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