Out of Character for the Middle Path

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Out of Character for the Middle Path



Skipped Back 20

January 30th, 2008

I need a *facepalm* icon

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Somehow commenting got turned off to Storm's journal. It's fixed now.

January 29th, 2008

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I'm sorry for my recent AFK-ness. Going through some rl stuff in regards to my job on top of the usual madness. But am back :)

January 25th, 2008

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So, I've gone back to an old habit of marking down when characters say "we should get together" for scene possibilities (or when another player says it) but I'm not 100% perfect at it.

If you're interested, think you remember one I don't (please comment!), just want to point and laugh at me because I basically keep a social calendar for my characters, you can find the current list here: http://matsujo9.insanejournal.com/296312.html


January 24th, 2008

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I have to go to the city for two days to take care of my family. I don't think I'll have access to the internet there so I'm going to be incommunicado until I think Sunday afternoon.

V. v. sorry for the short notice:( I will try to check in! I just can't guarantee anything until I get down there and see what the situation is.

- Kel.

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Hey, people. This is just a note to let you all know that I've been really sick and short of attention span to read/rp. I'll be trying to pick up over the next few days, but I don't anticipate really catching up until next week. Sorry about that.


January 22nd, 2008

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I am sick.

I am going to be late on updates and things.

Please forgive me some slow. It shouldn't be too bad, but I don't want anyone thinking I've vanished.

January 21st, 2008

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Hey guys,
I have a trade show coming up at the end of this week and I sort of expect to be busting ass from, oh, tomorrow until a week from tomorrow, so I might be on for a bit, but definitely not for this coming Friday to Monday and sporadic before that. Please don't beat me.

January 14th, 2008

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Hello! If you see an odd person on your flist, that would be I, Brenda. I got tired of logging in and out, so I friended all my games on IJ and set up filters for them.

*waves* And now back to the playing.

January 11th, 2008

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Ahoy there, mateys. I'm Kelly and I'm new and I'm Canadian and I like pie. I bring with me Jubilation Lee, aka Jubilee. She's 16 (turning 17 in the summer) and if I've done my math right, has been at the school for about a year now. So I'm thinking this means she's friends with, or at least knows some people who've also been around for a while? (If there are any such creatures.) I shall be harassing people shortly via the IMs to find out:)

Aaaaaaaaaaaanyway. I am kind of stoked to be here for I have been admiring this game from a-far ever since I saw it pop up on GJ so! I look forward to leaping in head first and RP'ing with you all! I realise this is kind of a dorky intro so if I've left stuff out and you have any questions, just ask!

And that's my story.

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...We had a problem with anticipation and I swear, we're getting these things together.

College students receive their degree through the University of Virginia. Their classes are taken mostly through telecommuting. It provides a safe environment because of mutant intolerance/growing unrest.

That way- it's more presitigious than a local community college, it keeps Black Air members on campus, and it gives a reason for non-black air college students to stay on campus.


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Random? The school is located near the middle of Virginia (we're being vague so they're close both to the capital, the sea, and the mountains). So weather wise just google Virginia weather and there'll be a tag at the top that gives the forecast. (IE: it's raining and 45 degrees today at 7:30.)

January 10th, 2008

afk and threading

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Hi all!

First a quick note that I am off to Boston this weekend (leaving Friday morning and home Sunday night). While there I will be mostly AFK except for a bit of time Friday night.

That said, if Kitty can wrangle help from Bobby and Ororo (I'll be emailing muns sometime tonight to talk about her talking to them) she will be having a bit of skating on Sunday afternoon to celebrate her birthday. Because if she's going to leave teenage years behind she's going to have fun while doing it.

And if anyone else would like Kitty in the meantime, let me know. I may be slow because of traveling, but I will be partly available Friday night, and available on Sunday night when I'm home.

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Just as an FYI because I realize there are new-to-me people here (which, yay!) --

I can and will play and chat while I'm at work (you can tell because my AIM SN will be "kmegatwork") with caveats: I might leave my desk with no notice, responses may take longer, I try not to play anything too adult, if I say "I'm sort of busy right now", I really am, etc. etc.

Which is a really long convoluted way to say if I don't rep right away or go quiet, I'm not being rude or anything, just working!

~ Karen

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Karen asked a fantastic question. I'll be posting it to the FAQ, in slightly different format, but since we're all still skidding around and finding our feet (and, uh, finding things we left out) I'm posting it here, too.

Karen: Is there a system/what is the system for training students in their mutations? (looks in FAQ too) Like, Ali basically has poor control. So sooner or later, she's going to start suffering from headaches because she won't have released the energy.

Becky: I think it's going to be pretty damned individual, but there's nothing organized in place, no. **Safespace, yes, but active training - not so much. Officially, it's down to mentorship and personal responsibility. And, honestly, that's about all that CAN be done with it, really. We don't have Charles/telepaths who can really train in something as personal as a power that they don't understand the workings of.

**Think really, really, re-enforced gym. Something that will protect the school, and enough monitoring to protect the kids in it. Do not think Danger Room.

I know this isn't typical for an X-game, but we're working with a pretty unusual set of circumstances with the game set up. Fortunately, most of the 'training' for control/non-team members is down to practice, anyway. We can (and should) absolutely arrange something re: mentorship if your character has a dangerous (to themselves or others) mutation, and no control. That mentor may be an NPC, depending, but something will be worked out.

Again: Questions or Comments go here, and thank you for your patience with us.

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Hey, all.

I know we're all still settling in and working the kinks out, so I thought this would be a good time to bring up something that hasn't become an issue, but that has the potential to be.

While there will obviously be some liberties taken with things for the sake of fiction and for enabling game play, we do need to keep some things reasonably realistic. That does include things like legal consideration for minor characters. You have to have a guardian, you need permission from that guardian to do field trips off grounds/the surrounding town or to do anything that carries more than a nomal risk of physical injury. You need to have insurance, or covered by the school's. Behavior that is illegal, destructive to property, or dangerous, could get you kicked off the team, out of the school, handed over to the proper authorities. Overnight trips are probably not going to happen outside Spring/Summer break, and with quite a bit of advanced notice/planning. If teachers and their students are sleeping together, you better pray like hell that Sean and Warren never, ever find out about it.

Just, in general, please be careful. We trust you, and you're more than welcome to create and play and develop. Just be aware of basic rules of logic and legality, please. We don't want this to be a short-term, crack filled game that depends on suspending disbelief from the rafters. Yes, it's Marvel, and comes with crack, but we're trying to keep it at a level we can sustain in the universe that we have and are creating. A universe that already thinks that our characters are dangerous, and set in a school that also houses a team of mutants that is *used by the government* for *government* benefit (at the moment). We can't buck everything all to hell with any degree of believability.

This is not because we want to be bitches. We're not telling you that you can't do those things. We are telling you that you need to be careful, and be aware. If your character is going to do something illegal, in general, it can not do be with the knowledge and consent of the school administrators. If they're 'found out' IC, there will be IC consequences. We'll do everything we can to warn you if you're going down the path of no return with your character, and try to
help you find a way out of it.

I know that was rambling and a bit disjointed and less than perfectly clear. Mostly because we do trust you all, and aren't interested in making rules for specific events, or limiting what you're allowed to play. We just need you to be aware that if you're, for instance, playing a college student supplying alcohol to a high school one, you're doing something that could get them kicked out of school and arrested.

Questions? Comments? Cookies?

January 9th, 2008

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ACK! I'm so mad! I'm trying to get out of meetings as fast as possible but work has kidnapped me! Still have 2 hours worth of stuff to go, sorry I'm lagging on the opening day joy!


Game Start!

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A few things before we kick off.

1-) Start your (approved) characters with a closed, narrative, third person entry, in their personal journals.
Put "Introduction" in the subject line.

2-) We're going to open the game with a big, open to all, 'party' thread. This is for lots of random interaction.

The only thing we'll ask you to remember here is that once a comment is answered/sub-thread is in-progress, adding a third character to that interaction should only be done after asking the other players involved.

3-) This gets it's own bullet point: You do not have to wait for the party/open at all thread to end to move your characters on. The party thread may last for days. Feel free to continue to play your characters there and in regular 1 on 1 threads at the same time, too. Really, just whatever works for you.

4-) We have NPCs on campus. These are a doctor (Moira McTaggart, Human) and priest (Daniel Corrin, Mutant (he's RED.)

Any last minute comments or questions?

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Oh, and I'll correct it on the contact list as well, but: My AIM is BeckyWriting (And I'm obviously Becky.)

I'm also really, really ready for game start. *bounces at people*

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Hey, all.

Would you be willing to do me a huge, huge favor?

I'm going to put sub-threads here, to try and keep track of teachers/subjects, students/grades, and Black Air/mutation. So, give it a look and reply in the right place? I know I suck, but I'm having a way harder than necessary time keeping track with who's doing what, where.

January 7th, 2008

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Game start is Wednesday! Anyone who wants to blurb their people for last minute connection making this is the place and now is the time. <3!
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