Friday, September 6th, 2013

Fairytale of New York

The interest in one's neighbor had certainly changed as the centuries past. No one asked questions about what their neighbors were up to anymore. It use to be,back when the citizens of Marvelous (Now known as Ave. M) had just arrived in this New World, that they had to use more magic to keep the Mortals away. As it grew it became harder to seclude them selves but easier to blend. By the twenty first century the Mortals were far to busy keeping up with their computers to pay any mind to communities of fairies in the trees of Central park. Bruce preferred it this way, it was easier to blend in when no one was paying attention to him. He could find a way to fix his little problem.

True love's first kiss, like most words out of witches mouth, it was a lie. Shortly after kissing Beauty Bruce returned to his human state and it lasted all of five days. After those five days his skin turned green,he sprouted a tail,tufts of fur grew in behind his point ears and on his back. It was worse than the original curse.It'd happen with any drastic shift in mood, if his temper got out of hand, if he was depressed if he was aroused. Needless to say the wedding was postponed in definitely.

What was amazing about Ave.M was that was that when Bruce had these little flair ups he no longer had to hide himself away in his penthouse. He carried on business as usual.They got by with a simple cloaking spell on the street. No Mortals could find it if they weren't looking for it.
They had their own shops, their own housing and their own government council (He had run for a council seat but lost out to Jack the Giant Killer's smear campaign against him). It was nice not having to worry about mortals seeing him in this form. He could enjoy his meditation in his beast form.
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