Monday, September 19th, 2011

New Activity Policy

Hello folks,

So as of today I'll be implementing a new activity policy. Every two weeks I'll be putting up an activity post to which players will reply with links to their activity. You're still only required to do one tag or post with a single character within a two week period to remain in the game, though more is definitely encouraged, particularly if you have multiple characters. You will have two days to comment with your links before you receive an activity notification. Net community activity will not count towards your activity.

The first activity post will be this Friday and you'll have the weekend to comment with your links.
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Monday, March 1st, 2010

Modly Stuff

Hello all,

How are you all? Fine, I hope. So anyway, this is a random update of stuff. Plot stuff, rule stuff, just stuff. First, I know we seem to be tapering off a bit lately, but fear not. I think it's just that we're in a particularly busy time of year and it being around various Spring Break times and all doesn't help. I do not doubt we'll be picking up. Okay, onward!

Plot Stuff:
So, the Congress vote about the mandatory registration will be April 12th 28th. I'm still sort of unsure about whether it'll pass or not. I'm leaning towards yes. Anyway if you've got any political related stuff to do with that plot, you've got until the 12th to sway to your side. Actually. Maybe I could do this like a real vote (assuming everyone will vote) and in the meantime characters strongly for or against can do things to try to sway in their favor. Whatever, let me know what you think of that idea.

Next, Sini's plot. Hey guys, remember this? Well, the seeds have been laid for it and I figured a reminder wouldn't hurt. Now some of you might be wondering how it will directly affect characters in game. Will they be forced to take this new cure? The answer is no. Sinister will be found out before the cure was actually administered by the government. It's unlikely that someone (I'm looking at you, X-Men) wouldn't investigate into some "cure" for mutantism. That curiosity about mutant cures has already been established by the SHIELD seminar post Boone and Matt are doing, so I don't see why that same wariness wouldn't carry over when Sinister's cure starts surfacing. Anyway, that doesn't mean you can't volunteer your characters to be experimented on, etc. So yeah, I think that's how that'll be going down.

Rule Stuff:
So the holds have been changed from two weeks to a week and the inactivity policy is a little different. Obviously, after someone has been contacted about inactivity once and they reply before their week is up, I'll allow them to stay in the game. However, if that same player becomes inactive again without giving me notice of a hiatus or explaining the situation, they will automatically be kicked after three weeks of inactivity. I don't think I'm asking too much to be told "hey, I need a hiatus" or to just have you explain the circumstances to me. I'm willing to be lenient if you'll talk to me, but I can't have players disappearing and reappearing whenever they feel like it because they think I'll just keep allowing them back. That isn't conducive to an active or healthy game. I don't want to have to resort to that, so just talk to me if you need a hiatus.

Anyway that's all I can think of for now. Thank you for your time. Enjoy this entry from autocompleteme.

my neighbor is a wind turbine
see more
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Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

Please Note

I've made a change to the activity requirements. Basically, people have a month before they get removed for inactivity as opposed to whatever really long length of time I had previously. Here's the wording, anyway:

Activity is important in any game and particularly one that is set in real time. If you’re going on hiatus please let me know. If you haven’t posted at all within a two week period (I will use tags to check this, so please keep your entry tags updated) or made a hiatus announcement, then I will contact you and find out why you haven’t been posting. You have a week to reply to this initial contact, if I don't hear from you after that period you get one more warning and one more week before I remove you from the game.
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Sunday, December 13th, 2009

A couple random notes

Just a few things, my lovelies.

First, just something I'm sort of adding in, if you want to do a thread and have multiple characters reply, put "Multiple Threads" by the "Characters:" heading after you put who it's open to. If you're worried about timing stuff, just assume that whatever's happened in the first thread already happened by the time you're interacting with the second person, etc. Not mandatory, just something for you to use if you'd like to.

Next, just a reminder, go back and check your !incompletes to see if there's anything you want to finish or just close.

Last- I hope you are all having a good evening. :)
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Thursday, December 10th, 2009

While I'm thinking about it...

Since I've got mod posts going today. The character limit is up. LAST TIME. Six.
Same rules apply: don't app more than one character at a time, have a few weeks or a month before apping another, and whether or not you're given your 5th/6th will really depend on how active you are, etc.

Or, to be more exact, as it said in the second tolast entry about character limits: However, this is reserved for players who genuinely have the time for it and have put significant effort into the development of, and have been active with, their other [five] characters. I also would prefer that any players applying for a [sixth] character have definite plots planned for that character. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Sunday, November 8th, 2009

New tag

Okay all, so I've created a new tag that is !closed for threads that you just don't think you'll ever finish for whatever reason (those characters leaving, etc). We've still got threads !incomplete from back in July so go back over incomplete threads and if you don't think you're going to finish it then change it from !incomplete to !closed or if you want to rewrite a post to wrap up old threads and mark them !complete you can do so. Because looking at several month old !incompletes makes me sad. And you guys don't want to sad me, do you? D:

ALSO: from now on, when tagging your character name, put character: in front of it. It will look nicer. I am about to embark on a mission to change all of the character tags to that. Wish my luck.

EDIT: There are now new tags for the net comm too, so check them out. Things like internet: tv: etc
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Sunday, November 1st, 2009


Okay. So. The number of characters allowed is being lifted to five and I'm pretty sure that will be the cap. I know that seems like a lot but I've done the same in another game I've run and there are people who can manage it so I don't think there's any reason you all shouldn't have the opportunity. Same rules apply though, don't app more than one character at a time, have a few weeks or a month before apping another, and whether or not you're given your 4th/5th will really depend on how active you are, etc.

Or, to be more exact, as it said in the last entry about character limits: However, this is reserved for players who genuinely have the time for it and have put significant effort into the development of, and have been active with, their other [four] characters. I also would prefer that any players applying for a [fifth] character have definite plots planned for that character. If you have any questions, please let me know. And that's that. <3

Friday, September 4th, 2009

New importantish stuff

Okay so, I think so far the critique has been rather helpful. I hope you all agree. As a direct result of the critique I have added a friend-locked page with the ad-coding and a list of where I advertise here.

Secondly, I went ahead and made a new asylum to which you've all been invited (check your asylum invites please!). It's called [info]oh_marvelousnet, and it's basically the network of the Oh Marvelous world. I really loved this idea, it's brilliant, so I've gone ahead and put it into practice. This is the place for quick interaction and I think it'll be useful for everyone. You can post as though you're blogging, twittering, texting, making a phone call, writing a letter, sending an inter-office message, even telepathy for your psychic characters (and there's tags to match all of these). Basically if it's not a threaded scene and it's not ooc then it should probably go here. I hope you all enjoy this, I'm excited about the idea.

Lastly, any ideas for game-wide plots you'd all like? Aliens? Zombies? Dinosaurs? :D
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Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

Character Limit

I will now be allowing a four character limit in game. However, this is reserved for players who genuinely have the time for it and have put significant effort into the development of, and have been active with, their other three characters. I also would prefer that any players applying for a fourth character have definite plots planned for that character. If you have any questions, please let me know.
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