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Oh Marvelous OOC

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...The end? [07 Dec 2015|08:19pm]
Okay folks, serious talk. Are we finished? If we are, that's fine, we had a long run and it was fun. If we're not, that's fine too, I'm willing to keep trying if everyone else is. I just want to know definitively what everybody wants.

Again I'm willing to keep going, but everyone has to want it, too. We can make monumental changes, we could even do a full reboot, whatever everyone thinks would work. Or we can end with several years of good times and memories. If we do end the game proper, we could keep the What If for memes, AUs, or scenes/drabbles between characters and just be able to keep casually writing with each other. I would still love to write with everybody in whatever capacity you want to. Regardless of what we decide, it's been great and I love you all <3


-Overarching plot & structure/narrower scope/setting-wide plot to go alongside character-focused (trapped in NYC with wormholes spitting out monsters and leading to weird places/making weird stuff happen in NYC?)
-Non-real time (set up calendar to follow)
-No-Xmen, lol

[ viewing | December 7th, 2015 ]
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