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Oh Marvelous

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And let's be clear- [28 Jan 2016|12:01am]
Characters: Wanda, Pietro, the Contessa later if she wants in on this one
Setting: Mid-morning, Wanda and Pietro's apartment
Content: Nothing questionable
Summary: The twins have to figure out how they're actually going to survive here and also plan REVENGE.

I trust no one. )

Gape [28 Jan 2016|01:43am]
Characters: Tony, Misty, Colleen? Claire?, OTA?
Setting: The wormhole activity site in Queens, early morning
Content: Monster fight!
Summary: The best kind of science is the kind you can stick your head in. And punch.

the light from his mask bouncing off of something just above him )

don't turn your back, danger surrounds you [28 Jan 2016|02:40pm]
Characters: Colleen Wing, Jessica Jones
Setting: Alias Investigations - Noon
Content: Jessica
Summary: Business opportunity! Colleen needs help with a personal case.

don't turn your back to the dogs who hound you )

I ain't afraid of your mess no more, babe- [28 Jan 2016|04:31pm]
Characters: Nick Fury, Jessica Drew
Setting: Eugene's Bar in Brooklyn, mid-afternoon
Content: Nothing Questionable
Summary: Jessica Drew has some hard questions for Fury.

I ain't afraid no more. )

[ viewing | January 28th, 2016 ]
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