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Oh Marvelous

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Singing words of wisdom [31 Jan 2014|06:18pm]
Setting:French Restaurant Bruce can't afford probably
Content:Innocent, probably hulk level violence x2
Summary:Two friends catch up

Let it be )

a French Bulldog named Princess Jacqueline was claimed to understand 20 words [31 Jan 2014|08:10pm]
Setting:Kitty's apartment
Content:PGT For Puppy gal time!
Summary:Wicked decided Pietro deserves a break from puppy time and takes Potbelly to see Kitty. Also because Potbelly took a shit in his shoe and for the dog's sake she should probably take him out of the apartment.

Potbelly knows 'walkie' )

[ viewing | January 31st, 2014 ]
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