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Oh Marvelous

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There is not a truth existing which I fear- [29 Oct 2011|06:00pm]
Characters: Kurt, Noriko
Setting: Streets of New York City
Content: Nothing unseemly
Summary: Kurt makes a new acquaintance during a trip into the city

or would wish unknown to the whole world. )

Like at Halloween- [29 Oct 2011|08:25pm]
Characters: S.H.I.E.L.D. employees and agents and contract employees and stuff
Setting: A S.H.I.E.L.D. Halloween party
Content: Nick Fury
Summary: S.H.I.E.L.D. party so party shenanigans

I knew I'd arrived when I saw people dressing up on Halloween as my character. )

[ viewing | October 29th, 2011 ]
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