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Redheads and Bad Attitudes [16 May 2011|08:54am]
[characters] Jean Grey, Logan.
[setting] The White Horse Tavern, Greenwich Village, NYC.
[content] No warnings thus far!
[summary] Someone tries to tempt Logan away from military service.

Sometimes, persuasion just ain't enough. )

[16 May 2011|09:57pm]
Characters:Wicked and Wanda
Setting:NY late afternoon
Content:Swearing is a must
Summary:Wicked's a spazzy mess with bad clothes. Wanda's going to help. This can be a good thing or end with Wanda chasing Wicked screaming "Wipe that face off your head bitch!"

Like a date date? )

[ viewing | May 16th, 2011 ]
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