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Oh Marvelous

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A kiss on the hand may be quite continental... [18 Feb 2010|01:45pm]
Characters: Black Cat, Venom
Location: New York.
Content: Violence.
Summary: Cat gets caught thieving, but not by the spider she was wanting and things just don't end up going very well for her.

...But diamonds are a girl's best friend. )

To the Edge of the Earth. [18 Feb 2010|03:43pm]
Characters: Nick, Billy, Teddy
Setting: Nick's office
Content: Nick Fury
Summary: Nick has some business with the boys.

It's a brave new world from the last to the first. )

All these things rattling around... [18 Feb 2010|03:52pm]
Characters: Logan, Professor X
Location: New York, X-Mansion
Content: Messing around inside Logan's head
Summary: Logan speaks with Chuck about his recent bout of head messing. Now having a good idea which memories are true and false, Logan wants the false memories gone.

...inside my head )

[ viewing | February 18th, 2010 ]
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