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[June 13 2009 / 12:56pm]

Sad to see this roleplay die, but it looks like most everyone is out. I'm sure we'll meet up again some other time, in other games. Ta~! <3

[June 12 2009 / 06:01pm]

THIS IS SO FRICKIN SAD TO COME BACK TO! I'm really going to miss playing Helena and Nariko. Hopefully I'll be able to find somewhere to rebirth them. AND YOU GUYS!!! <3 I am madly in love with all of you and I hope we'll get to play together again. Stratch that--we will! Because I know where to find you all on AIM and will stalk you. =p You guys are stuck with me you little---STUCK PEOPLE!

[June 12 2009 / 11:22am]

I too am extremely saddened to see the game end. I loved my characters and several of the storylines I was involved in but I guess all good things end eventually. I too enjoyed the game thouroughly while it lasted. I don't know about seeing them in other games for sure but I did enjoy playing them. Catch you all on the flip side.

[June 08 2009 / 12:06pm]

All right, folks, I don't want to say this, but it must be said. This is my jumping-ship notice. This has been one of the THE best games I've ever played in, bar none, and it's because all of you are wonderfully fantastic. I don't really want to leave, but the game appears to be quite dead, and it is increasingly difficult to write anything for my characters here—even though I love them to itty bitty pieces (as I adore a lot of your guys' characters, too!). In addition to that, I know I have on-going plot with many of you, thus, I want to do them and all of you justice by officially leaving, and hope that I continue to talk and/or play with you in future.

Please, please, don't hesitate to IM me, even if it's just to chat; perhaps we can even talk PSLs (private storylines!), or something to that effect! I hope that the game does pick up, so I can come back and re-app for my characters, but I feel this needs to be done.

So thank you all for the super sweet ride, and here's to the awesome of Paradigm! Happy playing, happy trails, and all that good stuff :]

[May 22 2009 / 05:18am]



any questions? BECAUSE IF NOT THEY ATTACK AT SUNDOWN!!!!!! (well okay, at about 10ish, but sundown sounds cooler in caps)

[May 20 2009 / 07:12pm]

Hey guys!

So, as you may have noticed, I've been MIA for a little while. I got a new job at work opening the new roller coaster. We've been working over night shifts from 7pm to 7am lately which means most of my days have been spent sleeping. I've got about a week and a half left of that. I'm also going to be gone this weekend, up in Kentucky for a friend's good bye party. He's being deployed. So my kids are still going to be a little quiet. I'll try and post a thread for the halloween party tomorrow morning when I get home from work, if not some one else is welcome to put it up.

<3 Jamie

AIM name change [May 20 2009 / 02:16pm]

Just in case anyone needs to reach me on AIM for whatever reason, I've changed to a different screenname.

HumaNetto --> rinachada

That's all. ^.^;;

[May 19 2009 / 09:05pm]

My stuff was stolen, including my laptop, so I'm gonna be pulling a Casper for a bit longer! I'll totally backdate Joey's party once everything is not-crazy again. Because stripper birthday parties NEED to happen!

[May 17 2009 / 10:28pm]


So, erm. It's been one of those...months? I guess. I got a bit distracted by the boy I started dating and all that and I feel bad that I haven't been around! I'm still trying to get used to him being around constantly and then gone for a spurt of time and because of that I've found myself away from my computer more and more.

On the bright side, I'm starting up my summer schedule which means that I will be at a desk for 12 to 15 hours a day and available to plot and play during that time. I'm also taking classes so that might be a little problematic, but I'll make it work.

I need to talk to a modly-type soon but yes. Hopefully someone will speed me up to date and I can work with anyone that I've had plot with? I really want to get Angie and Gilbert and Sydney back up to snuff!

[May 14 2009 / 12:37pm]

HI GUYS! I will be officially back from my personal Limbo tomorrow! I hate limbo! >.< But, you know what we haven't had in a while? A SUSIE PLOT POST!!

For anyone who just joined us and doesn't know what a Susie Plot Post is, that's the part of the show where Susie comes out and explains event type things for the future week all while caps locking and exclamation pointing like a cheerleader!!!

And I am REALLY excited about this one! It has been rolling around in my head since before Lil and I even finished making the game. And in honor of Halloween coming up in the game and our new action type characters I have decided it is AT LAST TIME! From the mind that brought you Paradim! Age Change and Paradigm! The Musical, I present you with: PARADIGM! NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD!!


The night before halloween (Devil's Night) the dead shall rise from their grave and attack the unsuspecting citizens of Paradigm City! Why? Because Susie is a zombie loving dork!

So I'm still working out tiny details (like how to make so everyone in the town won't be dead from zombification the next day---if all else fails it's just be be a miracle plot hole. Because it's Paradigm and that's how our town rolls!) and there will be a much more explanatory post when the day rolls around, but this was just a heads up!


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