18 December 2010 @ 01:00 am
hohoho fest gift | for [info]antiteb  
Title: Snoggage, Angst and Other Randomness
Artist: [info]vitacrudelis
Recipient: [info]antiteb
Character(s)/Pairing(s): DeRo, RoMarc, Flo/Frank, Axel/Lena, cameo by DeVa *ducks head*
Count: 20
Artist's Notes: I hope these icons fit the bill and don't disappoint you. I haz mediocre iconing skills. So if you want to improve change everything something, EDIT THE HELL OUT OF THEM! :D

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Lilith: awz-giving in to love[info]lilithilien on January 2nd, 2011 06:04 am (UTC)
I'm not sure if I've changed my mind or not. He's definitely looked very happy at times with Deniz, but there was just something so natural and candid in the laughter of that moment. Damn chemistry.

And thank you for your generosity!! I will definitely snag it then!!!
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Aldi: DeRo: happy tree kiss[info]aldiara on January 2nd, 2011 10:32 am (UTC)
He does make it awfully impossible to make a decision, lol:



...especially if innocent researchers get invariably blinded by the bliss.
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