Nic ([info]klutzerina) wrote in [info]no7_awz on September 21st, 2010 at 09:23 am
Name: klutzerina
For the Gift You'd Like To Receive:
Preferred Media(Fic, Art, Icons, Vid, Other Graphics): Vid, fic, icons, art. I'm not fussy - all pressies are good.
3 to 5 Preferred Characters/Pairings: Tim, Mike, Nina, Jenny/Vanessa/Constanze, Roman/Axel, Jenny/Roman/Marc, Jenny/Roman, Keule.
Things You Like: Crack, angst, feelings you can feel, snark, self deception, humour, crack.
Things You Don't Like/Squicks: HEA - I prefer Angstily Ever After, mgreg, non-con, emotional abuse. I don't like country music. AT ALL.
Characters/Pairings you absolutely do not want in your gift: Stella, Ingo, Ben/Katja as OTP - crack is fine.
Any scenarios or prompts not listed above (optional): If fic I would love Jenny/Roman friendship/snark, or Jenny/Roman/Marc the early years. Otherwise, did I mention I like crack?


For the Gift You're Giving:
Media: (Fic, Art, Icons, Vid, Other Graphics) Just icons, sorry! Anything else you DNW from me - trust me.
5 or more Characters/Pairings you'd prefer for your assignment: I don't mind, I'll give anything a go.
Characters/Pairings you can not work with so don't you dare put them in my assignment: Stella. This is all.
Squicks you can not write/draw/work with: I can cope with iconing pretty much anything. *insert DUN-DUN-DUN! music*


Do you solemnly swear you will create a gift for another participant barring Killer Virus Quarantines and getting caught in a fire at the Fry Stand? (though that shouldn’t stop you guys, right?): I doooo. I do, I do, I do, I do, I do-ooo-ooo-ooo.
Anything else we should know?: I am going to see Fairy Penguins this weekend. YES, FAIRY PENGUINS. I am very excited by this.
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