쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang ([info]sdk) wrote in [info]no7_awz on September 15th, 2010 at 07:25 pm
Name: Shellydkitty
Email: shellydkitty @ gmail dot com
For the Gift You'd Like To Receive:
Preferred Media(Fic, Art, Icons, Vid, Other Graphics): Fic, Art, Vids
3 to 5 Preferred Characters/Pairings: Marc/Etienne, Marc/Florian, Marc/Roman, Marc/Deniz, Marc/Jenny, Marc/anyone except squick chars, Etienne/Marian, Etienne/anyone except squick chars, Simone/Florian, Jenny/Vanessa, Jenny/Isabelle, Jenny/any female char except squick, Jenny/Deniz, Vanessa/any female char except squicks, Richard/any male char except squicks. Bergmann-cest. Mike! Quite honestly though, I'll love absolutely anyone together that doesn't include my squick chars, so if none of the above inspires you, go nuts! Yes yes that includes Celine!
Things You Like: Non-canon pairings, IC Crack (i.e. the situation is completely wacky but everyone reacts in-character a la Killer Virus), "it's so wrong, but I can't stop" trope (especially for incest or cross-gen pairings. Acknowledging that they should not be together/have sex/etc.etc. but just can't stop themselves). Infidelity as in the main pairing cheats on their significant others to be with each other, but not as in one of them whores around a bunch. Unless you're writing rentboy!Deniz era and he's whoring himself around abunch (that's A-OK). Dub-con is a-ok and I'm good with dubious concent issues having to do with too much alcohol or drugs being consumed. I love jealousy and possessiveness (and being told off for those things too). I don't need explicit sex, but if you wanna go there, I love desk!sex, wall!sex, frotting, spanking, rimming, semi-public sex, voyeurism, masturbation
For Vids - Music-wise, my favorite band is Muse so you can't go wrong there, also if someone wanted to throw in some Super Junior *cough cough* I wouldn't complain. Anything not US-mainstream though would be awesome. I'd prefer actual video to a slideshow type vid unless it's for crack purposes *g* I love parody vids, srs vids, non-canon pairing vids, narrative vids that make up a whole new storyline or retell an exisiting one in a new way
Things You Don't Like/Squicks: Fic-wise: sickly sweet fluff, non-con/rape, heavy bdsm, fisting unless you can really pull it off, humiliation
Vid-wise: talking heads (unless you can make it work, but when in doubt, cut cut cut *g*), sickly sweet fluffy songs about true love and forever and destiny, unless used ironically or happen to be by Super Junior *cough*. Slideshow-style vids, unless used ironically or for cracky potential. Copying Lil - kiss/hug/etc. compliations. I'd rather have a vid tell a story or be a parody or be cracky. Country Music.
Art - heavy bdsm, non-con, graphic torture, etc. Unless you've decided to flog Marian for being a bad bad boy--that's OK!

Overall, no non-canon character death, pls.

Characters/Pairings you absolutely do not want in your gift: Ingo, Stella, Zoe, Lars, het!Roman unless paired with Jenny or in a m/m/f situation
Any scenarios or prompts not listed above (optional): I know we've all given it up for dead canon-wise, but if you want to actually tackle making Marian/Jenny *work* again, I'd so welcome it either in vid or fic or art form. Also, any Jenny pairing above where she's completely moved on from Marian and Marian is miserable and hates his life because he was such a douche bag, that would be A-OK too! Also would welcome non-pairing character study type fic, especially featuring Marc or Etienne.


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