Christine ([info]spaghettitoes) wrote in [info]no7_awz on September 15th, 2010 at 01:40 pm
Name: Spaghettitoes
Email: Use the hotmail one you both have ;)
For the Gift You'd Like To Receive:
Preferred Media(Fic, Art, Icons, Vid, Other Graphics): Fic obvs, Art, Other Graphics.
3 to 5 Preferred Characters/Pairings: DeRo, Axel, Flo, Nina, Katja/MirrorTwin, Olars (d'uh!)
Things You Like:
Fic: Sci-Fi, paranormal, crack, horror, resolution(not that it must be a happy ending as such but OMG nothing that leaves me miserable and despairing you guys not this christmas 'kay - I need hope). Sex within emotional context (I don't mean TWU WUV but random, anonymous sex for the sake of it is dull IMO). Stories/narrators with a real voice/character - something different and individual.
Art/Graphics: blended colours, rich/vibrant colours (not fluorescents, dear god no!), flow/movement rather that strict sharp shapes. Chibis (what can I say, cute cartoons being dirty or insinuating appeals to both of my personalities!)
Things You Don't Like/Squicks: Serious kinks - most kinks are fine with me on a testing them out level but I tend to squick when anything gets too serious or intense, esp to the level where it's a real life-style change or it's the only way people can get off.
Gender swapping that's OOC - I'm cool if a character has actual gender identity issues but I can't abide (and this is mostly stuff I see in DA not here but I'm being careful) the "Dave is really a girl living as a man" excuse for putting them with a guy.
Fic that runs into tens of thousands of words: hahaha - biologically impaired attention span here folks sorry.
Art: I don't like boils and pores etc a la Ren & Stimpy - gross!
Characters/Pairings you absolutely do not want in your gift: Richard with anyone - he can be in a story but I don't want him having it away with anyone. Similarly Celine, Stella and Keule. Generally not interested in people who left before DeRo 2.0 (excl. Nessa and Nadja)
Any scenarios or prompts not listed above (optional): Axel's day will come! And about the 'other graphics' thing - I'm totes up for someone designing me a header graphic I can use on my journal but I don't want anything too specifically one person. In general I don't just want some boring old pic of a couple looking at eachother like they're in luuuurve or anything that seems obsessive about a single person. Something with variety that will last a while. Or a nice hot and/or funny fic :P


For the Gift You're Giving:
Media: (Fic, Art, Icons, Vid, Other Graphics) I'll try any of these except vids (ok, I would try a vid but it would be lots of thought and questionable quality!)
5 or more Characters/Pairings you'd prefer for your assignment: Generally I'm not too fussed, I'll give anything a go but... Characters/Pairings you can not work with so don't you dare put them in my assignment: femslash probably isn't very good so I'd avoid that if you want hot girl-on-girl. Richard having sexy times - soz just, ick!
Squicks you can not write/draw/work with: Intense kinks - I'd give subtle stuff a go but nothing hardcore sorry. It's not a squick but relationship angst is probably not my strongest point - a person's individual problems affecting a relationship possibly but not just plain 'we haz issues'.


Do you solemnly swear you will create a gift for another participant barring Killer Virus Quarantines and getting caught in a fire at the Fry Stand? (though that shouldn’t stop you guys, right?): *raises right hand* By the powers of Greyskull!
Anything else we should know?: Two wrongs don't make a right but three lefts do.
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