Diana ([info]notoriouslyuniq) wrote in [info]no7_awz on September 15th, 2010 at 06:07 am

Name: Notoriouslyunique
Email: zsa08@yahoo.com
For the Gift You'd Like To Receive:
Preferred Media(Fic, Art, Icons, Vid, Other Graphics): anything really. I'd love a fic or vid though cuz these are the stuff I can't create myself
3 to 5 Preferred Characters/Pairings: Jenny, Tom, DeRo, Axel, Klein Flo
Things You Like: breathless snogging, angsty sex, hurt/comfort stuff.
Things You Don't Like/Squicks: Non-con, the word "dick" (unless used as an insult), and slash fic set near urinals unless it has been made abundantly clear that the characters had already finished peeing and washed their hands before the sexytimes happen. In case of vids, I don't like songs with the words "forever" in them, or those weird transitions where it looks like ur opening the blinds
Characters/Pairings you absolutely do not want in your gift: Richard, especially when coupled with Roman. I cannot stress this enough. Also, Dulla and L'arse (shup you guys! You already know I don't like him), LeMax, fpreg (yes, that the letter 'F').
Any scenarios or prompts not listed above (optional): smthg with Jenny and Tom would be awesome (*gasp* I'm asking for het!). smthg about Axel hooking up with one of the guys to get over losing Jenny and the company would be awesome too.


For the Gift You're Giving:
Media: (Fic, Art, Icons, Vid, Other Graphics) mostly icons and graphics
5 or more Characters/Pairings you'd prefer for your assignment: I'm mostly inspired by Jenny and Tom, but I can work with most characters just fine.
Characters/Pairings you can not work with so don't you dare put them in my assignment: Richard, especially when coupled with Roman. I CANNOT EMPHASIZE THIS ENOUGH! Also, non-crack Dulla and L'Arse.
Squicks you can not write/draw/work with: non-con, fpreg, S&M (tho I'm fine with binding), RPS


Do you solemnly swear you will create a gift for another participant barring Killer Virus Quarantines and getting caught in a fire at the Fry Stand? (though that shouldn’t stop you guys, right?): I WILL MOVE THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH TO DO THIS!
Anything else we should know?: you can lose up to 200 Kcal/hr banging your head against the wall. TruFax
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